My old ad agency job was toxic. Okay, I’ll admit, the job really was just a job no better or worse than any other. What made it ‘toxic’ for me was I was unsuited for it and hated every minute of it. But that’s not about the job, that’s about ME.
My old ad agency job was toxic. Okay, I’ll admit, the job really was just a job no better or worse than any other. What made it ‘toxic’ for me was I was unsuited for it and hated every minute of it. But that’s not about the job, that’s about ME.
TV content is expanding exponentially but still the article is about Buffy, X-files and Angel.
I first moved to Boston in 1971, go an apartment a few houses down from a ‘Boston Strangler’ crime scene. My first job was in the North End next to Boston Garden. “The Friends Of Eddie Coyle” holds a special place in my heart because it really was that seedy and crime ridden back-in-the-day.
To be fair, its been a long time since I’ve seen two people who look so similar. Its like asking Jeffrey Dean Morgan to autograph a photo of Javier Bardem.
83 free years of Netflix... and the IRS will want a check made out for taxes on the equivalent dollar amount right away. I recall in the 80's game show contestants would often bankrupt themselves winning gaudy prizes they then had to pay taxes on.
I’d like it if American TV adopted the practice followed elsewhere of putting out one-and-done series whose storyline has a proper beginning, middle and end all in one season. Instead of hoping to retain viewer loyalty in this fragmented TV landscape, try attracting new eyeballs with a constant turnover of fresh…
Word of advice. Don’t follow a drunk guy alone into an empty room during a party. Simply following him in could be misconstrued as ‘implied consent’ in his judgement-impaired state and be the cause of misunderstandings.
What’s the difference between ‘rebooting’ and simply making a similar series?
I was watching a 2019 Asian music video where the singer is in what looks like a school hall wearing a yellow plaid skirt and jacket. It wasn’t until reading this that I realize it was a direct reference to ‘Clueless’.
The Ellen talk show has been on the air for seventeen years. I would expect its pretty much running on autopilot now and the last thing they want is some ‘bright young thing’ to show up on staff and start rocking the boat.
American culture is a melange of dozens of other cultures intermixed. Greek, Chinese, British, German, Japanese, Mexican, Native, Russian, Filipino, etc. This recent faux outrage over the use of the word ‘kimono’ and the term ‘spirit animal’ is sophist nonsense.
I have a (perhaps mistaken) memory of Murray taking advantage of his role in order to paw at Ms. Davis rather more than he at ought. It felt a bit exploitative. I saw this film only once back around the time it first hit the video stores - remember video stores?
Some guys you stick a microphone in front of them and its like giving them a loaded pistol to accidentally shoot themselves with
The basis behind the push to remove old objectionable content is the notion that Americans are ignorant children lacking critical thinking skills. Which, now that I put it into words, actually sounds pretty accurate. Its taking a dangerous toy away from a reckless child. In the early ‘20s comedians and TV series…
You pick just about any topic and the people who actually know about it are often horrified by what passes as ‘information’ on the subject in the American popular media. This applies to the media covering military affairs, history, paleontology, medicine, economics, foreign news, and any other topic you can think of.
There was a Korean drama on Netflix recently named ‘King: the eternal monarch’ that got renamed by angry viewers ‘King: the eternal product placement’ for the endless stream of blatant PPLs in almost every scene. Too many product insertions and corporate hawking and the viewer feels he’s being taken for a fool.
To be fair, if anyone tried to tell me the phrase ‘spirit animal’ is “cultural appropriation” I’d probably yell at them, myself.
I have a niece who lives in Boston who I used to regale with horror stories about life in Beantown in the mid-70s. She cannot fathom the concept of streets unsafe to walk down at night.
They can relate to the blatant hypocrisy.
I get the impression these streaming services are largely powered by FOMO. The Mandalorian! Picard! You don’t dare to miss them in case the become a pop culture ‘event’, but when you do watch them you find they’re... mediocre.