There’s some irony that a group with the name ‘antebellum’ is using the law to strip a black woman of her own name for their use.
There’s some irony that a group with the name ‘antebellum’ is using the law to strip a black woman of her own name for their use.
Oh, you’re right. I had forgot the heroine wrote PPL insertions into dramas for a living.
A good series on broadcast TV is like a restaurant that puts a new tasty item on their menu after people have already stopped going because the food is mostly crap. If nobody watched ‘Single Parents’ blame ‘Shark Tank’ and ‘Holey Moley’.
Its telling that whenever directors want to depict hapless individuals floundering in a culture of bland isolation they will adopt a Wes Anderson cinematic style. Most recently in the premiere of the series ‘Into The Ring’ and earlier in the year ‘How To Buy A Friend’. That means that Anderson is making a recognizable…
OMG, how many decades has it been since I’ve seen that film? At the time it was a behind-the-scenes slice of life, now there’s the extra layer of it being a 47 year old period piece.
These reality series were pretty much an STD stew already, might as well throw COVID-19 into the mix as well.
Gotta love right wingers who pick and choose what line of text to ignore and what to ‘interpret’. The bible doesn’t mention COVID-19 (of course) but it does tell you not to get tattoos... or eat shellfish... or trim your beard... or have sex during menstruation. Oh, wait, I think there may be something in the bible…
Its ironic that its the ‘liberty loving’ right who pushes the oppressive state on us hardest. What they mostly want is the ‘liberty’ to put their boot on our neck.
It seems the one thing that actors want most is to get cast in a hit TV comedy. And the one thing actors fear most is getting cast in a hit TV comedy. Friends premiered more than a quarter century ago and there isn’t one of the cast who has entirely escaped from beneath its shadow. Schwimmer seems to be following…
The sexual objectification of women on cable has become so normalized that we don’t even notice it anymore. I recall when James Franco got sued for including a sex on camera section in his acting classes. Well, if you plan to get a job at Starz, Netflix or Cinemax that’s a skillset you’re going to need.
‘Libertarianism’ is like Trump’s fabled germophobia. Its useful as a concept to set yourself apart from others but its not going to get in the way of you bareback riding porn stars.
A poster who doesn’t understand that ‘welfare’ is in place for the welfare of the society.
I don’t hold it against anyone for avoiding that pointless hell hole of a war. What I do hold against ‘em is their present willingness to send other childrens’ sons to their deaths. Oh yeh, and that bit about being complicit in the Kremln’s targeting assassination of US troops overseas.
Neocons like Cheney lusted after their own ‘’glorious war’ because they had Oedipal envy of their WWII era fathers. Trump is utterly ignorant of history so in a perverse way his stupidity saved us from getting into any of the ‘glorious wars’ the neocons wanted.
You vote Republican, amiright?
Star Ship Troopers was a lampoon of Nazi fetishishism. There was just one small problem. Fcking imbecile right wingers don’t get the concept of ‘irony’ and ate up all that jackbooted toxic masculinity with a spoon without an ounce of critical thinking. I lost count of the number of frat boys who would angrily claim…
Philip Roth’s tragic satire novels about misunderstood academicians tend to be mercifully short. If you’re not Tolstoy you probably should be draconian about editing down your ponderous first novel. Heck, even Tolstoy could have used more editing. Writing-wise he was no Turgenev.
‘Never feeling at home in high school’ - 65% of the population.
‘Fond nostalgia for high school’ - 33% of the population.
‘The best years of my life’ - 2% of the population.
What percent of the acting community would that be? And what percent that has star name recognition value?
In the Korean series ‘My Mister’ (now on Netflix) there’s actually a quite moving scene where a failed actress drunkenly dreams of the day when AI takes over everything, then there’s be no reason for one person to be jealous of the accomplishments of another because we’ll all be in the same boat.