
Ah, we’re nostalgic for the good-old-days when this stuff was just hyperbole. Who would have ever imagined the president of the United States would someday be complicit in the Russian murder of our own serving military forces?

The international Space Station will destroy this country? What a ‘Tea Party’? Something to do with the Mad Hatter? I have a vague recollection the American Stalin had them all purged when he got into power in 2016.

Hah, I was typing a comment about this very film when I looked one post down and saw your post. James Brolin, of course! I sort’a remember it now. I want to say it was a ‘nuclear apocalypse’ drama. The survivors knew something happened but they didn’t know what and grew increasingly fearful of what they’d find when

It was around this time that I concluded America seems too embarrassed by pesky ‘emotions’ to make a proper romantic comedy. Nobody in these Hollywood rom-coms is ever convincingly consumed with with desire for their partner.

I heard an interesting statistic. If you’re an adult American male over 40 who voted in the 2016 election there’s a 75% chance you had a hand in voting into office the most corrupt government in the history of the public

I look at actresses like Stella Stevens and Jill St John and think they were in the business back when EVERYONE was a ‘Harvey Weinstein’. I can scarcely imagine what they had to do to survive in Hollywood back then. There’s a notorious quip from Jame Dean when he got cast to co-star in the film Giant’. Something along

I watch a lot of Korean stuff and it seems Parasite was MADE for an American audience. The dialog is at a slow pace for easy reading. There’s no Korea-specific jokes or plays on words. Its the rare Korean comedy that doesn’t have puns based on similar sounding words (‘apple’ and apology’ are the same word in Korean,

If you want to see yourself immediately banned from conservative chat forums simple type one of these phrases:

I divide conservatives into two different camps.
The first camp is those who are sincerely wrong on all the issues.
The second camp is those who lack sincerity, who are knowingly playing the role of ‘supervillain’ in an sadistic game of ego gratification. Its the difference between Bush Jr. and Dick Cheney, between

I’ve been watching a lot of film and TV made in Asia by Asians lately so I find it slightly off-putting, the notion that some old white dude from the other side of the world shows up to explain the peculiarities of Asian culture. But that’s an unfair view on my part. First, our cultural universalities outweigh our diff

The accusation is so vague that no conclusion can be made. Was he merely brusque and hurt the young actor’s feelings or was he Otto Preminger levels of horrible to everyone?

Whedon was hired to save a burning building that cost three hundred million dollars to construct. Gee, sorry that he wasn’t polite about it.

A commentator on a news site listed possible reasons behind Trump’s cavalier dismissal of reports of the Kremlin paying cash (ironically in American dollars) for the murder of US soldiers. They listed all of the possibile reasons except for the most obvious, that he was briefed on it and knew about it but simply didn’t

I once knew someone who always wanted to own a sandwich shop. So he bought a sandwich shop. Then he realized that meant he’d be obliged to WORK at a sandwich shop. Subscription sites with deep pockets are buying up all the old pop cultural touchstones. But its not enough to merely own the rights to ‘Twilight Zone’ and

I think I’ve seen too many tween TV stars over the years. One glance and I can’t help but wonder ‘Which one’s going to commit suicide because of a drug addiction? Which one’s going to go into porn? And which one’s going to become an evangelical right winger?’

I don’t think I’m hip enough for this film. That’s not a knock on the film, if I was 22 I’d probably think it was the bestest movie ever.

This was the era of series driving up expectations with ‘high concepts’ and not delivering. The concept of a vampire soap opera was far more intriguing than the execution.

And here’s what’s coming to Viki (which sounds something like Quibi) in July:

This film shouldn’t be paired with Dr Strangelove but with that other film recently reviewed on this site ‘the Apartment’. First, neither of those two films are satires but are bleak tragedies, and both are quintessentially American products. And both end with suicides, or at least attempted suicides. In ‘Failsafe’

The judge is a sell-out. Mike Manely should go to prison. But this is America where the top .01% gets to lie, cheat and steal with impunity.