Would it be fair to say while NBC is throwing all this stuff behind a paywall their broadcast content is pretty much garbage?
Would it be fair to say while NBC is throwing all this stuff behind a paywall their broadcast content is pretty much garbage?
What’s a ‘peacock’, besides a bird?
The big thing in the early 00s was ‘hip ironic bigotry’. In theory it was meant to hold a mirror up to the bigots to show them just how stupid they looked. The problem, though, is bigots tend to not be very good at detecting irony. Instead of recognizing the humor as satire they would see ‘hip ironic bigotry’ as an…
I’m reminded of Musk making a Matrix allusion (‘take the red pill’) on the topic of restarting his car plant in the midst of an epidemic. Though in that scenario Musk wasn’t in the role of Neo, he was more the machine overlord who treats humans as disposable commodities.
It was 10 times better that 30 Rock ever was, especially the early seasons before they ran out of ideas. And those later episodes were still 10 times better that 30 Rock in their later seasons after they had run out of ideas.
There will be no more living in your mom’s furnished basement if she passes away from the COVID-19 you passed on to her. Unless you’re hoping to inherit the house.
Gibson’s character in ‘Lethal Weapon’ thirty three years ago was suicidal. Maybe they should’a just let him die.
I have a recollection of Ted Danson once complaining that his character Sam was a normal healthy male early in the run of cheers but as the series progressed Sam turned into, basically, an idiot and compulsive philanderer, or words to that effect.
Ah, the good old days when articles would get 500+ posts.
The term ‘illustrated novel’ sounds so ponderous. What wrong with the words manhwa or manga?
There’s hardly a placename anywhere in the world named after a historical figure that would pass the ‘purity’ standard. Welcome to the big wide world of history where generals are brutal, kings are assholes and saints are half mad zealots.
What was most significant at the time is the women are presented as having their own sexual agency and George, for whatever faults he may have, wasn’t a ‘predator’ in the modern vernacular. The film is egalitarian in whose a user and whose getting used.
Do you recall that Golden Globes ceremony when Gibson and Vince Vaughn in the audience both looked upset and distraught when Meryl Streep called out Trump for being a monster. I do wonder who in the Hollywood establishment thought it was a good idea to ‘rehabilitate’ Gibson and give him new movie projects.
The early 2000s was the time of ‘hip ironic bigotry’. The concept was using the tropes of bigotry to mock the bigots. Sarah Silverman, Family Guy, etc. There were lots of examples back then. It didn’t work because the right doesn’t get irony and they saw ‘hip ironic bigotry’ as confirming and reinforcing their own…
Apple has all the money in the world because of their iphones so they’re just throwing money at the Apple TV project now. Every project they’re doing seems to scream LOOK HOW MUCH MONEY WE HAVE!
“The message of Love, Simon’s romantic ending is that the world of the film is ready to accept Simon and Bram’s relationship...”
I’m thinking of the TV series ‘Scandal’ the story of a Republican president who wants to do the right thing while in office. Yeh, right, sure. Jerry Ford was a good forty six years ago.
I recall back during the Iraq war someone watched a famous WWII prison camp movie, either ‘the Great Escape’ or ‘Stalag 17', and his takeaway was the Nazi guards were barely even trying! Where are the black hoods and chains, the beatings with axe handles, the water torture, the starvation, sleep deprivation, the…
You got a ‘like’ for Tulsageddon. That’s even better than Coronapalooza.
Bear in mind, Trump thought he was going to get a million people at that rally, he thought he was going to kick off his 2020 campaign there, and THIS is what he gives as a speech? Even if you’re a conservative die-hard you’ve got to ask the question “WTF man, what the actual F?”