
Comic book movie villains in general have been falling down on the job (with maybe one or two notable exceptions). That’s why the heroes have started fighting amongst themselves. How many times can a person open a portal to a demon dimension to destroy all life on earth without it getting repetitive?

I am nostalgic for the 1970ssocial justice’ Feminism of Steinem and and Friedan. These days Feminism has gone conservative (though they’d never admit to it), its basically female chauvinist bullying. The book ‘Lean In’ was little more than a tutorial for women on how to be a self-entitled country-club Republican.

I didn’t think Heard would be able to locate a paramour skeevier than Depp but she managed to.

Franco was was teaching ‘acting for TV’ classes. Anyone who watches late night Cinemax understands what sorts of roles young women new to the business get. AV Club reported even the new Perry Mason series included full frontal nudity. Franco had the misfortune of being too honest about what was expected of them in the

There’s a difference between being blackmailed into acting the way they did and being willing accomplices. the GOP wasn’t acting out of fear during the Senate trial, they were acting on their Fascistic anti-democracy impulses.

He didn’t leave until Trump started openly ignoring him. He was perfectly willing to kowtow to the mango Mussolini if it meant he could convince the US to invade Iran.

I don’t think out-of-office Republicans should be applauded for coming to conclusions about Trump THAT THE REST OF THE WORLD WAS ENTIRELY AWARE OF FROM THE BEGINNING! Gee, you’ve finally come to the realization that water is wet and the sun rises in the east. No shit, Sherlock.

The most recent international pop hit single ‘Eight’ by IU, featuring SUGA of BTS, was on the topic of being unable to process their grief after the loss of so many of their friends.

What’s that old New Yorker cartoon? “On the internet nobody knows you’re a dog.”

I recall a decade or more ago *someone* decided that college station ‘world music’ programs =segregation’. So world music programs disappeared and foreign musicians all lost their only access to the US market. Thanks for nothin’, zealots. With friends like you who needs enemies?

Lets have a reasonable discussion about the president not having spoken for two weeks with the head of his own pandemic team in the middle of a pandemic. Because he’s afraid they will tell him things he doesn’t want to hear. Once the 2nd wave hits later this summer we’re ALL gonna die.

Not just here. Most-anyplace you go comments boards that used to have 200 posts to a story now only have 30, or 20, or 10. 

During the last election the Kremlin (yes, really, the Kremlin - its been documented) was pushing the fake ‘walk away’ movement trying to get black Americans to not vote Democratic. I can only imagine how much $$$ Kayne got paid to publicly kiss Trump’s rump.

Let us recall during the last Republican presidential convention a Fox News ‘personality’ ended their speech to the assembled convention crowd with a literal Nazi straight-arm salute. That tells you all you need to know about Fox News.

A lifetime liar who is bad a lying, a SAG card-holding actor who can’t read from a script.

Buscemi has one of those faces that should have grown a beard a loooong time ago (speaking as someone who first grew my own beard a looooong time ago). With his beard he looks quite distinguished. Without his beard he looks like one of those exotic hairless cats.

There’s how the top .0001% oligarch class lives, and then there’s the rest of us. If you want to do a vanity ride to the international space station it’ll cost you $58 million. In comparison 15k to speak to a minor celebrity seems like a bargain!

If you can listen to Mariah Carey an Katie Perry without a twinge of guilt then STFU about Woody Allen.

I just watched the trailer and wow, how over-wrought and CGI heavy! People talk about the sorts of films where you need to ‘turn off your brain’ to enjoy it. This one you’d need to shut down everything except occipital lobe. You’d have to shut down your cerebellum to keep yourself from walking out of the room.

There’s a simple solution to the problem of having a tween supervillain character in a YA novel. STOP MAKING FUCKING MOVIES OUT OF YA NOVELS! There, problem solved.