
@ifandbut: I'd pay to see you try and punt a dwarf ;)

@B-Money: It didn't get much love from anyone, especially Activision who seemed to forget about marketing it. I really enjoyed it, it was a pretty solid title.

@spikespeigel: Well I'm getting it too, so hopefully that's just how it works now, and we're not all for the chop... ;)

@Arnheim: It all boils down to what constitutes a good writer "write about what you know". Of course, really good writers should be able to write effectively about most things, but you can always tell when a writer really knows their stuff about a subject, and for me that's always a much better read.

@Mr.Wake: Genius...never seen these trailers before, but am watching them all now (the Tron one is also very good).

@Palmerlime: Absolutely agree. I watched the first Tron again the day before seeing Legacy, and it simply helped reaffirm my love of the film. Legacy has done nothing to sully that film for me, and is very much in keeping with everything the first film was about.

I need to try harder I only own two of those designs (5 and 11) :)

@CaptainChunk24: That is indeed a fair point, how many truly original works are there out there?

@CaptainChunk24: Indeed. Uncharted (as much as I love the series) is ultimaterly just a game version of Indiana Jones, so therefore we have a movie based on a game highly influenced by another movie :)

@Alex_Mexico: I agree with your sentiments, people are too quick to jump to critic mode without a sliver of information to work from.

Elpflasa wins the internet for a week with that impassioned, well-reasoned and funny comment. Sterling work there ;)

@D-K: Heh, my exact thoughts on seeing that screenshot too...good work sir.

@Revere55: I've had NV for over a week and have had to force restart my PS3 ten times...the game is full of glitches .

@naska: I felt a pang of guilt myself when that was the first thing I noticed.

@mikeck: And yes I realise that my comment comes across as an emotional reaction, but we wouldn't be ready to move the whole of PSN around this project (if we had to, not that we do) if we didn't believe in the product, and the team behind it.

Regarding CCP and Dust 514, you are dead wrong Nicholas.

@3rdshift: The only other recent game I have tried (and couldn't play for more than five minutes without hurling abuse at it for being SO bad) and hated more than this pile of turgid wank was Kung Fu Rider.

@BattleMoose87: Night-time is even more scary with this mod too...