
I’ll admit I’m not a Pro-Union person. I believe that when you work for a company, you accept the hours and pay rate you’re given. If you don’t like it, or feel you’ve stalled, then it’s time to find work elsewhere. I also don’t have a problem with the company choosing to replace someone who walked off the job or

When you’re non-union it basically is

I don’t have time to write a full response, but I wrenched my way through school and owned shops, and most of us owned our own tools because we were paid a certain amount of labor per task (“flat rate”) and increased efficiency from having the right tools at the right time helped me make much more money. There were

Not a Trump supporter, but he has only been in office for seven months and these guys are striking over something dating back eight years.

1) This has nothing to do with Trump, so your judgement is already suspect.

As much as I hate Trump, this has nothing to do with Trump. And why leave your tools there? Your tools are YOUR responsibility.

What exactly does Trump have to do with some shitty dealership treating their employees poorly?

LOL. Wut?

Financing is fine, there are better things to do with your money than buy cars outright. However, there should always be a significant down payment to prevent ever being underwater, and it should be for the shortest term possible. And rolling negative equity into a new car loan is obviously the nightmare scenario.

Probably didn’t have gap insurance...

This. Chances are that your new-ish car is still fine and will continue to be fine for a while. We’re mostly past the era of terrible cars, and even the crappiest new car will get to 150k miles without too many issues.

Dear Tom,

People don’t do math before car shopping. People come in daily to the dealer looking for a $400 lease payment on a $70k Tahoe, and when you tell them they need $20k down to get to that payment they look at you like your hair is on fire.

Stupid rich people won’t buy this. Even slightly frugal ones will go the CPO route or similar.

CarFax is only as good in the info poured into it. I worked for one of the insurance companies that assaults your ear-balls with commercials each and every break. we never submitted our claims to CarFax or any other info aggregaters. I remember distinctly having this discussion with an insured when we opened the hood

Never let the facts get in the way of a joke. Seriously, have you EVER seen a priest, a rabbi and an imam walk into a bar? No! But you play along for the joke, which has a good chance of being super offensive.

Fixored. Will see myself out now.

“He kept flinging himself forcefully at my club. I tried to walk away, but he kept smashing head-first into it! I was scared for my life!”

A versa with Florida plates and a Bernie sticker no less... don’t forget that.

Let me get this straight. This asshole works for his nice things by building companies and providing goods and services that people gladly pay him for and you go out of your way to shit on him. [Which is fair since, as I stated, he can be an asshole]