I was in Montreal in 1993 for the F1 race right after the Canadians won the Stanley Cup for the 24th time and they rioted in the streets.
I was in Montreal in 1993 for the F1 race right after the Canadians won the Stanley Cup for the 24th time and they rioted in the streets.
Still can’t believe Bohemian Rhapsody was nominated. It was a (barely) glorified standard issue VH1 Behind the Music. Best actor, maybe, but everything else was average at best. It contains a 4th wall breaking Wayne’s World joke, ffs.
i mean, i do not give a shit about his farming but i’ll watch the rest of those grand tour specials. he’s absolutely an asshole but he doesn’t benefit from me torrenting these things (and it doesn’t matter anyway).
1. His concealed carry permit should also be automatically revoked for violating various FAA and gun storage rules. Let him reapply again in 5 years.
If you forget where you put your gun, you shouldn’t have a gun.
“I forgot it was in my bag”
Deplatforming works
Your notifications deserve to be set on fire for the idea that “Jordan Peterson can tell you how to be a good man.” He’s a bigoted, misogynistic hack. (https://www.theguardian.com/science/2018/feb/07/how-dangerous-is-jordan-b-peterson-the-rightwing-professor-who-hit-a-hornets-nest).
Isn’t the byline of this site Drive Free or Die? Controlling the freedom of movement of Americans is pretty relevant to that interest.
Fuck you leave.
This is only divisive if you’re a misogynist piece of shit
Erin is very welcome here.
You won’t be missed.
first of all.... car site or not. human rights are at stake here. they’ve already started stripping women of their rights, and are questioning everyone’s right to freely travel from state to state.
“Click bait” is a sensationalized or exaggerated headline meant to increase the chances of someone reading an online article. Sadly, there was nothing sensational about this headline, which talks about interstate travel on a transportation blog site. All you did was expose what side of the issue you’re on. Now off you …
I think driving is a pretty big part of being into cars.
Fuck you, leave.
fuck you, leave
I think he used centimeters because that funny way he talks tells me that he is one of them, there, Queen lovers!!! /s
“Re-entry” implies they left the atmosphere