
I’m not a financial expert, however the car companies aren’t in business to loose money. Leasing has to be more expensive than flat our purchasing the vehicle, otherwise why would they do it? They have teams of MBAs figuring out ways to squeeze every last cent out of us.

And the AWD is not available on the hybrid with the great MPG, turned off a few friends looking at it. 

40 mpg for the Marverick is not an apple to apples comparison as the hybrid is only available on FWD only.

I wonder how much Porsche would have charged for it.

There was a guy in Florida that was arrested for having “I eat ass” on his truck.

What area of the U.S. are you in?

That’s mostly correct, however I personally have never had a loan and have a 800+ credit score on all 3 bureaus. I’ve had a few credit cards, never carried a balance and paid them in full. It’s a myth that you need loans for your credit.

How is Publix priced? I’ve been a few times and they seem about 50% higher than traditional Krogers.

Mercedes - first this is a fantastic, in depth, detailed review, I’ve read all of your stuff since you started and you’re a fantastic addition to the site!

Same here, and I’ve installed a bunch of wiring for stereos which give great locations for shorts. Never had an issue luckily. Does anyone else find car fires (where no one is hurt) hilarious for some unknown reason? I think it stems from Car Talk...

I was thinking any two Nissan’s. 

Why were you getting rid of the car just 2 years after purchasing it?

How many cars have floorboard drains?? I thought it was just a Jeep thing.

This 1000%, had a rental car with it recently, it was a game changer. Make a long commute much more pleasant; you don’t have to worry about constantly speeding up and down. Just set your goal and it takes care of everything

I think Tom’s point is the fees frankly don’t matter when you’re comparing similar vehicles in similar conditions. Compare the out the door prices, it doesn’t matter what fees they add as you can choose the lowest bid.

I think there will be valid criticism that tech is ruining the modern cars. However I think we’re at a fantastic time in car history. You’ve never been able to get so much for relatively so little. Look at what econo crap boxes you could buy brand new 20-30 years ago, now even the cheap cars look nice, drive OK, and

If you close your eyes and picture a late 90's Lexus SC and Buick having a child, you’d picture the above.

I agree, I’m thinking it would be much more. Most don’t know a small ride in a small Hospital helicopter can be well over $23,000. 

They shipped you a car without sharing pictures of the inside? Auto vs. manual should be pretty easy to spot.

Did he run it out of oil too, or did the engine develop the symptoms on it’s own?