
10000% this. Dangerous vehicle modifications need to stop. So do modifications that remove emissions control equipment. Coal rolling lifted pickups are so dangerous to other vehicles on the road, pedestrians, and even themselves. A lot of this stuff its already illegal on a state or federal level (safety inspections,

THANK YOU! Lifting trucks is dangerous to other drivers and should be illegal for public roads. If you want a lifted offroader, trailer it.

(plus I hate how I can’t see around them on the road)

People may hate the way this looks, but it’s clearly a safety issue. You are putting way less weight over the front tires than the vehicle was designed for. Handling could be dangerously bad depending on how much rake.

Man I hate white people to!! It's so trendy right now. 

Open public racism is usually unpopular. Just not here.

If there is one opinion I want on cars, it’s “academic” associate professor of political science and definite car enthusiast Cara Daggett, who seem to be another cog in relentless corporate-university-government leviathan of perpetual finger-wagging.

Vettel is the smart one. Social media platforms have devolved into spaces where people continuously try to out virtue signal each other. It's just dumb.

There is a reason why there are two separate systems. White people do not want to get shot by Black people. Turn on the news in Detroit, Chicago, Atlanta or any other major city and most of the crime that’s being reported on is being committed by Black people. So when White people have to go downtown to work or a

my Sunday was completely ruined by Twitter

Can we just have fun car articles and not this political bullcrap. Some of us come here to escape all that and articles like these ruin my day because now one of the only escapes is just like the rest of media these days.

Having lived through the Bush years, my eyes always gravitate to any increased flag-waving nationalism.”

No wonder you almost had a nervous breakdown. It must have been horrifying to encounter people that aren’t like you.

Jesus Christ, did you really need to write an entire story about how your picture would pop up if a republican did a Google search for “snowflake”?

I don’t even like that term, I think it’s a stupid blanket term “those” folks use to denigrate people they don’t agree with....but my god this is it. I get it now.


Dude - seriously, I am worried about you. Get some professional counselling, you need help. Panic attacks from having to go to the bathroom are not normal.

Nope, not clicking through a slideshow. 

I used to hate them, but now I’m becoming grateful to slideshows for all the time they save me when I skip the article! Thanks, slideshows!

Might wanna learn your Group B history cause only one of those is a Gr B car (well two if you count the wildly different Delta from the 90s).

fuck that tax dodging shit. if he wants to be knighted he can move back to england and pay taxes there like a knight would. no real knight of the realm would avoid paying their king/queen. its not sir yet.  he hasnt been knighted hes just on british trumps wish list. 

Now playing

Long time lurker but I just had to make an account tonight to post this hot take:

This truck sat for 17-16 years with Loren rotting away, life gets in the way but at no point could anyone be bothered to.... get the title fixed ...search for a radio on ebay ...seal off the hole in the floor ????