
Oh, see, I think feminism easily lends itself to being funny, like Is This Feminist? It's just that this, specifically, was not all that funny, because humor takes more than taking some basic stances of a group and putting them on top of a picture.

jeez! Feminists and religious people should be banned from making memes. I understand women have issues, but everytime i see such posts , i just end up more apathetic to the whole cause. It is not even about being mean to men, it is more of organizations trying to desperately force themselves to appear cool and hip.

Its just nice to know that if you need to quit you can not be set back 15 minutes in your current area.

No, they just don't want to lose 20 minutes of tinkering and setup, plus 20 minutes of gameplay because they made one bad turn.

Yes, I do want a quicksave function. I have about an hour to play each day, and I do NOT want to spend that hour playing the same mission over and over again. I want to be able to progress through the story and a quicksave function really helps ease the difficulty some.

My issue with the save system (and it really is one of my very few complaints to an otherwise fun game) is that I can't use the game as a time-filler. If I only have 25 minutes to play, I either have to leave my system on... or just not play.

How about just being able to quit where you want and not have to re-play 30 minutes of the game.? Some of us have lives outside games, but maybe you enjoy replaying the same sections of games endlessly. The save system on this game is the worst I have encountered in a very long time.

Even in death, he's dressed like my grandmother.