
That may be the best fucking news I've heard my entire life.

Look. I'm not an anti-technology guy. I'm not the person who says we shouldn't tamper with things or that we shouldn't pursue certain technologies. Hell, whatever mankind CAN accomplish it WILL eventually accomplish. Its better that its perfected in university labs with oversight than by some awful authoritarian

I was reading up on emerging defense technologies and I can't help but wonder if certain movie monsters are going to get killed off or have to change dramatically as this century goes on. If the National Guard wears armored exoskeletons that encapsulate their whole body then suddenly zombie outbreaks seem a lot less

I was just about to post that. I don't know much about computers but I was under the impression that you could store information RAM as long as it was powered. I figured maybe that made it safer. You could pull the plug if the cops closed in and permanently delete the evidence.

Fair enough but having dedicated fans doesn't necessarily make something profitable. Firefly had a bunch of fans but was apparently never very successful.

This is all before my time. At least my memory of things doesn't start until like 92 but I was under the impression that shows like sailor moon and robotech did that and akira was more a second wave thing that came about as it got more popular.

Was Akira even popular enough here to warrant a live action remake?

I like how it doesn't incorporate a massive grey bunker that looks like it was built to withstand antitank weapons into the design.

Yes, yes it is.

Are forest fires art? Maybe thats what they were trying to do.

Does this piece have a name? I nominate "eyesore".

Too late little dude. The acid's already dissolved your neck.

Thats not a tower. Thats a sprinkler.

I kind of hated her because for what she did to Shane too. Could Shane keep boning Lori and raising his son? No. Is all the fucked up shit Shane did including murder and what appeared to possibly be attempted rape? Of course not. Is Lori at fault for those things? Again, no. I think it was clear that Shane was the

I personally think putting people into mortal terror is downright wrong. If you try it and get your ass kicked consider it karma.

No matter what I do. No matter what I steal. Now matter how many times I lie. No matter how many drugs I sell. No matter how many friends I leave to die. No matter how many people I kill for getting in my way or just because they had something I wanted. No matter how many times I fight another man's war for profit. No

IIRC the book said that they were the best approximations they could make with the information they had at the time. Hammond argues with Woo over Hammond's refusal to let him change their behavior to look better for the tourists. Hammond says he wants authenticity. Woo counters that the dinosaurs were never authentic

Pranksters would do well to remember that people only choose flight 50% of the time.

I think it trips primal instincts that come into play before you get to progress the situation logically.

"Look, there are too many unique and high quality fast food chains out there. This is why restaurants get shut down. Thats why I advise them on transitioning from an angus beef based model to an animal shelter overflow based model."