
I majorly question that poignancy stuff. How many stay in situations where they would have otherwise left but age pressured them into staying?

Like a massive second life style simulation? I've considered that. Also the possibility of rewiring brains (consensually) so they feel consistently happier.

This article reminded me of something.

Its quite possible that the invention of radical life extinction could cause those advances. Necessity is the mother of invention afterall. And we'd probably already have to have some hardcore tech (I'm guessing nanotechnology) to achieve the life extension part.

The German g-36 and Israeli x-95 assault rifles both look to me like they belong in a William Gibson novel.

Probably more than any lottery pay out.

It would be funnier if it was for 1oo dollars.

I only noticed that her soles were a color that didn't really match her outfit.


Between that thing and a reaper drone I'd take my chances with the reaper.

I wish just for once they'd make an open world zombie game without the (for me at least) immersion killing special zombies.

If I wanna watch a night of the living dead remake I'll watch the Savini one.

They absolutely can complain. If you disagree with all of the candidates you have a right not to give your personal blessing to any of them. I'm reminded of the episode of the Simpsons where Kang became president and enslaves humanity and Homer self righteously proclaims "don't look at me I voted for Kodos".

Antiheros are a little different. A lot of times whats intriguing about them is how they make you identify with them. I'm a big breaking bad fan and Walt is horrible. But I watch and think "if I were in the same position could I be strong enough to do the right thing?" And I just don't know.

The "they brought it on themselves" excuse is a flimsy cop out. Dealers push drugs as hard as they can and prey on those too weak to resist. Drug abuse also hurts more people than just the users. Remember spooge, spooge's skank, spooge's kid, and the store owner?

There was definitely a personal vendetta with Gus. I don't think it was even about making money. It was all about vengeance. His hatred of the Salamancas was his only blind spot.

I like how it was understood that CSM did much (if not all) of what he did because he believed it was right and had to be done.

I prefer villains who feel morally right and justified in their actions.

It probably wouldn't hurt the detectibility that much.

Didn't Jesse Pinkman and Shane Walsh cut their hair for the same reason?