
Imagine the massive mind screw if we actually found something. We'd debate back and fourth and might finally conclude "yeah it really seems like it was made by extraterrestrials". But we'd never really know.

I live in a part of the country with frequent storms. Its a big issue. Loss happens often enough also precautionary disconnects. We try and unplug expensive electronics to they don't get damaged by power surges. Yes we have surge protectors, they're relatively expensive and only so effective so this is easier.

I have a rule. I play games for fun. If you make me play my game when I don't want to it stops being fun and starts being homework.

I don't think s/he's referring to an exploit. The consequences are permanent but progress isn't lost when the game gets shut off. I've never played xcom but state of decay has a similar system of frequent autosaves and no going back..

You enjoy this feature in any game with quicksave functionality simply by keeping your finger off the f5 button. Why is it necessary to enforce it on every player?

I absolutely hate how removing timely saves is becoming a popular way of artificially making the game more challenging (which it doesn't, it just gets more frustrating).

Suffocating while suspended above a blacked out Earth has definitely got to be one of the better ways to go.

I just realized I had a total mindfart earlier. I meant to say "As it is the weapon looks like it has a capacity of one round. I would think it it would need a higher capacity than that regardless".

As it is the weapon looks like it has a capacity of one round. I would think it has a capacity of one round.

The design (long barrel with muzzle break) certainly looks ballistic and a flame weapon would still need something to hold fuel. I didn't mention the gun on a red one because it looked more exotic like it might be an energy weapon.

How do you load the gun on the yellow one with no belt or magazine?

People put rough texture tape on weapons for increased grip (Or at least they used to there are a lot of specialty products for it now).

Even if all this wasn't true dogs can still experience pain and fear and know when they're sick.

Aren't you the same guy who said senior citizens shouldn't be allowed to vote in another thread?

True, but they fill different roles. I was just pointing out that the B-2

an aircraft carrier full of F-16's

But the senior citizen voting blocked needs to be removed; they're too easy to manipulate.

and seriously? how laughable to assume I do, all of this is in the hypothetical, and aren't you glad I'm not the decision maker here?