
You should change your screen name to “Not Curious Enough”

I was a designer and writer on the RPG Eye of the Beholder series. Too bad there wasn’t an RPG design button that I could have pushed. It would have made life so much better than drawing all those maps on graph paper. Oh .. the late 80's ..

I was a designer and writer on the RPG Eye of the Beholder series. Too bad there wasn’t an RPG design button that I

Damn, that’s a really transphobic rant you’re laying down there.

Yep! Combo-grill. Mine even has a smoke-box hanging off of the charcoal side so I can use indirect wood smoke (definitely weekends only).

I eat my steak well done from a propane grill. Fight me.

Sure, but that feels more like making excuses for the industry at this point, than optimism grounded in history that points to that being the case.

I’m kinda glad and saddened all at once.

True Story. My 84 year old grandfather dies a few years back. As we’re cleaning out his house I come across his cabinet of VHS tapes. I find a bunch of these old sports blooper tapes from his old Sports Illustrated subscriptions or whatever. Only it’s just the cases. Inside the cases were not the tapes they belonged

As an aside, while I agree with the fundamental point of your article, I do feel that Americans unnecessarily fear the prospect of bankruptcy. I’m an attorney myself and my wife is an attorney that worked as a bankruptcy attorney for a number of years.

I fashioned mine into a hauberk for my pet hamster, Fluffy Oakenshield . I told him it was forged from mithril. He doesn’t know any better.

I fashioned mine into a hauberk for my pet hamster, Fluffy Oakenshield . I told him it was forged from mithril. He

Chuck E Cheese- I haven’t been to one of these places in ages. The video game cabinets have been replaced by educational games, but the animatronic show goes on. Across the table two time Super Bowl MVP, Eli Manning squirts Elmers glue into his mouth. As we wait for our sausage pizza, Eli leans in and confides that

If the kids are screaming, maybe you should stop juggling them.

To say that “he was the beneficiary of several easy outlet passes” is an understatement. I’m not hating on his talent (I’m familiar with him) but his coach should be embarrassed that the allowed him to flagrantly cherry pick for play after play in the 4th. He literally does play defense for stretches, waiting for

This is wildly unimpressive. This is a combination of no shame, no coach and absolutely no defense. Countless other players could shit 100 points in this game. This is a travesty.

I can’t believe you called me a chucker. No way I’m a chucker, I do
not chuck, never chucked, never have chucked, never will chuck, no chuck!

This is some weird ass basketball.

Oh look, more anti-Nintendo hyperbole. I don’t discount that there is some truth to your complaints, but some of these complaints are a bit absurd.

Dear Ms. Shittinberg,

It’s like if Butters played football