Mike Grady

SIDNEY CROSBY’S RACIST RANT “Black people’s breath stinks!”

Was Harper trying to throw the helmet at Strickland and it slipped or did he have a last second change of heart and throw it aside on purpose? Looks like it slipped in the closer slo-mo shot from centerfield.

Hapless? Third best record in MLB in May and on a 5-game win streak. You have a very high bar for being upgraded from “hapless”!

Houses are that cheap in SF? Avg in Toronto is $1.5M

Atlanta is in Canada now?

His buddy baseball superstar Tebow will love that!

Have you never heard of Paul Romanuk?

Doesn’t he get a contract bonus for making the ASG? That should cover the lost vacation.

Soda is just sugar water, it’s garbage for you, and so is orange juice!

You could always watch the US ads in Canada by putting up an antenna and watching the over the air HD feed from Buffalo, Detroit, etc

I’m sure the children who were forcibly sodomized feel way better about it now that they won the B1G.

I guess roid rage really is a thing.

DeMar is playing pretty good for a guy who is only ranked 46th best player in the league by SI. Playing for a Canadian team he would have to average 50 points a game to crack the top ten.

*Lambert Stadium, signed John Kerry

Did he get liquored up and run his mouth?

Blaming the whole fanbase for one idiot throwing a beer is like blaming the whole American population for the daily mass shootings

She’s guilty. Of being totally hot!

The Tenor who changed the lyric and held up the sign is from Boston, USA

“These four Canadian men”? The lone-wolf numbnuts Tenor is from Boston!

About time they got a guy who can shoot threes.