
A new or pre-owned 550i would fit the bill nicely. Especially without the m sport package that makes it look more aggressive.

I usually find feminists to be too much she’s spot on here. Never understood why some men feel the need to do these things, they’re just the rest of us a bad name!

This is bad news, I really don’t need to be seeing any more of these hideous cars on the road. I’ve been lucky to only see one so far, knock on wood.

So why are illegal immigrants a good thing? I have 0 issue with immigrants as long as they come here legally, but if you’re illegal I have 0 sympathy for you. And you should be required to show ID of some sort, whether it’s a DL, BC, college id, or even some sort of bill or credit card with your name on it.  

I had a pretty good one back in the beginning of summer.

I would’ve done a similar thing, minus climbing onto the hood haha. Kids are pieces of shit lately and could honestly use a beating.

This just in, they all mean the same thing.

With all the issues in todays’ world you really care that people call women females? Go jump off a bridge, fucking seriously.

And? By that logic we should just never leave our houses because you don’t know what kind of bad things could happen during the day.

Ah yes, because criminals using these to their advantage care whether or not it’s legal.

Is it so much to ask to be able to watch sports without politics being shoved down our throats?

So reward the lazy people who aren’t taking the risks? Go fuck yourself.

I can’t hear him over the glorious sound of my car’s V8.

A few years ago there was a F40 that got pulled over for the exhaust being too loud and it had the stock exhaust. Not that a F40 is normal car but it’s an example of something stock getting you pulled over.

Good! I live in Philly so keep all those refugees on the other side of the country and I’ll be fine.

Kill it with fire! The person who did this should be ashamed of themselves.

Wow wanting people to die because you disagree with them politically? So mature you are.

The media is trying to start a civil war, Trump is just making it easy for them.

A state that doesn’t glorify trans people sounds awesome to me.

I hate it for sure. If I’m ever visiting my parents I always turn it off in their cars even if I’m not driving. If I ever bought a car with this feature I’d have it permanently disabled so I don’t have to press that stupid button every time I start the car.