
Makes you wonder if you’re going to end up on a Chris Hansen-monitored list somewhere.

Speaking of revenge porn, did you guys really post pictures of Justin Bieber masturbating?? I refuse to click on the post, and if you really did, I’m fucking done. Did you learn nothing from the whole Hulk Hogan fiasco? Do you really need a long vacation and thought that unemployment was the way to go?

Not mad, dying laughing here. I was so going to write DUDE, NO after the Hulk Hogan trial but was pleasantly surprised.

I’m sorry, Megyn Kelly told me that Santa is white, because despite the fact that he’s an entirely made up figment of everyone’s imagination, that collective imagination could only possibly have him be white, because white people said so.

Channing Tatum as ken Channing Tatum as ken Channing Tatum as ken

If movie would be about Manchester United i would consider it.

As a complete aside - Eleanor Holmes Norton is the long-standing District of Columbia representative in Congress (but doesn’t have a vote because no one thought actual people would live in DC). She continues to be extremely relevant today. She’s pretty awesome. I actually didn’t know she led this lawsuit until well

Remember: the pagans didn’t take “The War on Winter Solstice” seriously until there were crappy Christians all OVER the damn place

Yeah. But I didn’t read it as Joy Bryant (who is playing Eleanor Holmes Norton) encouraging another black woman to support a white women’s cause, but to support a cause that white women were a part of, and of course dominating in the racist social/cultural/political milieu of the late sixties/early seventies. She was

The show is flawed (clunky writing, white feminism) but it tells an important story so this sucks.

It’s based on true events and set in 1969. That’s pretty much what happened. You can dislike that, but to dismiss it out of hand is ridiculous. It was a good show and really relevant still, unfortunately.

Um, forgive me but who of these people are “name celebrities”? The only actress I even recognized was Anna Camp and I had to google her name.

That’s the perfect example. There are so many colleges available for men, just like there are many golf clubs open to women. Whoever claims that men should just leave the few women colleges alone has a hard time arguing in favor of opening the few men only golf clubs to women too. That’s the pesky little detail about

One of the most significant, and as of yet unaddressed, issues with MBU’s move toward a co-ed campus is the Program for the Exceptionally Gifted, an accelerated learning program at Mary Baldwin that accepts girls as young as 12 as full-time residential college students. It is the only program of its kind (all girls,

I’ll tell you another reason it really matters. Ideas for startups/products often come from those that understand a demographic’s needs/frustrations. When you stuff Silicon Valley with a bunch of 20-something guys, you end up with a bunch of mother 2.0 services/products for 20-something men with too much money and not

Because as all of human history has demonstrated, we’re shit at assessing people’s skills and value according to actual merit. The dumbass nephew is always going to get hired because giving him a job and an income stream is more important that being more productive or profitable. You’re a fucking moron if you think

Your recruiters suck (at least a little). But that’s normal right now, unfortunately.

I just see this as white liberals pushing the blame to other white people without looking at the state of black people in their own cities. It’s sad, self-rightous and completely pointness. As far as I can see in this article, and as a tech working from the hood, those CEOs are absolutely correct.

How about actually