Lothar of the Chill People

No HBO is the reason that show was successful and HBO putting the right people around those hacks is the reason that show is successful and they just admitted it in that thread up above. Nothing else Benioff has ever touched has been good, I mean he was one of the screenwriters on freaking Gemini Man for crying out

Also they both had really big trust funds.

‘You don’t have to go outside to Juul at a party,’ she says. ‘It’s definitely something I missed when I switched to Juuling.’

They didn’t put The Answer in the form of a question.

Fair point. Besides shrinking the box, how about moving the penalty kick spot back to a distance where the conversion rate is 50%?

Gonna give you three guesses why NYCFC is named the way it is and the first two don’t count. Hint: there are forces far, far more powerful than “7th most valuable MLS franchise” involved

Right NYCFC is definitely not financed by one of the ruling families of an oil state.  

I mean, he is an addict. At least he is trying to get help now.

You think he is distracted now, wait till he sees the guy that followed her out.

Not to mention that 1.4 billion people agreeing on anything is clearly BS.

I mean, the Chinese government literally said “we do not believe in freedom of speech.” So it really ISN'T very complicated.

1.4 billion Chinese citizens stand united when it comes to the territorial integrity of China and the country’s sovereignty over her homeland.

On one hand, you have the Chinese government who wants the ability to extradite residents of Hong Kong with no oversight. The same Chinese government that regularly disappears people in it’s custody, and is running literal concentration camps for ethnic minorities and political dissidents.

Complicated is short-hand for money on one side and morals on the other.

To be fair Blair’s awfulness isn’t just limited to the Iraq War. There are lots of reasons for a generally progressive person to be profoundly disappointed with his domestic policies as well. 

I do kind of empathize with Jamil here. Like her I’m working my way backwards through history and my “Willy Brandt’s handling of the Guillame scandal cemented his place as Germany’s worst ever Chancellor” tweet isn’t holding up as well as I’d hoped. 

That’s a solid point. If it’s the case, then that is a hell of a quick parsing of what exactly in the fuck Stephen is trying to say and kudos to Molly. I’m still trying to figure out what was with the incorrect framing of “I don’t see folks outside of the Jewish community talking about that too often.It seems like he

The take on this site has been that the NBA will cave to Chinese demands but I’m not so sure. Yes the owners are greedy, but sports is where they role play their war metaphor power struggles, these teams are playthings not their source of wealth (not you, sit down Mark Davis...) and at least a few of their owners

The segment steered clear of any political discussions, but notably called the protestors in Hong Kong “anti-government” protestors.