Lothar of the Chill People

This is exactly what I thought when I read the headline. Chapelle show was wonderful and subversive, but attracted shitty people because some people cant detect subtlety or satire. I felt bad for the guy because i know this fact bothered him back in the day. I’m sad to think this time it might be his own damn fault

This is akin to Chris Rock’s Black People vs ____ bit, when the white people were taking it waaaayyyy too seriously and started using it in regular non-comedy applications. The bit was brilliant, but empowered the worst people. “he said it, so I can say it!” That sentiment sounds awfully familiar... perhaps orange.

He has gone on record as saying that white college kids feeling free to scream the N-word at him contributed to the breakdown of his mental state, and made him wonder if the Comedy Central contract was blood money.

Yet another Deadspin staffer bitter at the success of the mighty Oakland Athletics

This is a good take.

I don’t think you’re grasping the point of the rule - it’s actually to protect the defense. You’ve seen how long it can take for a player to get out of the stands or the dugout after making a catch - often, enough would-be time for the runners to advance more than one base after tagging up (especially if the player

I mean yeah, the Miami team’s stadium was always going to be in Florida. 

If corner kicks are meningitis, shootouts are AIDS. Everyone understands this. 

Yes, I recall the halcyon days of yesteryear when there were no weekly controversies in soccer based on disputed handballs and offsides calls.

hey i think you should know somebody shoved a weird strawman into the end of your comment and it discredits whatever you’re trying to say

not just sports media; the New York Times itself spent all of 2016 hyping butter emails

The whole supposed “left wing” motivation was absurd from the start.  As if he murdered 9 people to support Elizabeth Warren’s health care plan. 

I think, as noted, that the movie is empathetic (or tries to be) with all of its main characters, but I’m not sure it completely portrays Lester as a selfish destructive force, either. Which is fine; I don’t need a movie to moralize for me. But as you point out, the movie feels skewed in Lester’s favor in terms of

Unfortunately, the turn of phrase “long, angry blowjob” makes me disinclined to listen to any writing advice you have to offer. 

This is what happens when the person writing the tl;dr literally didn’t read.

Put that together with the Rockets’ Tillman-era hesitation to pay the luxury tax, and you’ve got a picture of an owner who is determined to maintain his own wealth, and is relying on Daryl Morey’s creativity to do what is done by other, better owners with cash.

God Deadspin’s MLS coverage is so annoying.

Yeah. If a player’s knee is never going to be as strong as it was before an injury, does that mean a team can never play him again?

“Shit happens.” actually happens all the time in rehab and recovery. Bodies are unpredictable. So unless Chris Thompson has some unpublished data conclusively linking calf strains to Achilles tears, I’m not sure where he’s going with this. 

Chris, I’ve been reading you since your early Shitehawk days on Deadspin, and this is the kind of sneering tone you used to mock in established writers. You have no knowledge of anything Durant’s going through; you’re reading into an interview and finding a new way to attack the guy. Find a new slant.