Lothar of the Chill People

Well the Sexual Harassment storyline has been a series of events where the women are Wrong, Oversensitive, Over-reactive, Litigious, Shrewish and Rude. It makes a pretty clear and obnoxious statement that sexual harassment is mostly another ridiculous social misunderstanding arising from the self-involvement of the

Don’t be too upset. Take comfort in the fact that the other team’s name is pretty racist too— but in a completely different way. 

The whole point was so that He, King Henry, could do what he wanted. Screw every one else. He was just fine with the Catholic Church as long as he could be Pope.

I think they are that dumb. Or rather, they just don’t think ahead at all. The campaign seems good right now, why bother thinking about how it may be affected by likely events? Imagine if Jimmy Carter died 3 hours before the Super Bowl. That would have been far worse than Kobe having a legume for a middle name (Carter

It has been almost 2 months. I think its time.

Seems its not just an equal protection problem on Men’s breasts versus Women’s breasts, this situation is prejudicing one parent’s rights over the other’s (unequal treatment). The father should be able to raise his child in a breast-tolerant manner while his kids are with him. The prudish mother shouldn’t be given

You bastard. You give us the classic HBO intro then at the climax it turns into that weird terrible HBO Music song. What a buzzkill. It’s like that time in high school when your parents were out for the night and you were about to lose your virginity to the most awesome hottie in school but as soon as you start to

and as a (presumably) rich passenger, Karen is very comfortable throwing her weight around.

I’m a little amazed at the Dan Slott hate. I didn’t like all his choices, I thought Peter Parker: billionaire was a terrible idea (I also blame Secret Wars: 8 Months Later for that), My favorite Slott Peter Parker Comics were as part of the brain trust, and its kind of ironic his best Spider-Man work was with Otto

Dingo Boots work best.

When I lived in Miami, on 4 lane surface roads (especially US1), the right lane was much faster than the left because everyone drove in the left lane to avoid buses and right-turning cars. Something similar happens in many places (especially 4 lane roads with parallel parking), but Miami was extreme.

Didn’t he give George syphilis in season 1? (Via a cute nurse). I’m pretty sure Grey’s Anatomy cooties are sexually transmitted.

Golden Labs are traditionally called Yellow. That comment is Yellow.

California Vehicle Code 24800 – No vehicle shall be driven at any time with the parking lamps lighted … No vehicle shall be driven at any time with the parking lamps lighted except when the lamps are being used as turn signal lamps or when the headlamps are also lighted.

It took me twenty seconds to get this joke but it was worth it. delightful.

“prohibit male students,” which he defines as students whose “sex assigned at birth was male,” “from competing with and against female students.”

The bombing is really the fault of the women from Hustlers. If Jennifer Lopez had stolen $50 billion from Iran, they couldn’t have spent that money on this bombing. So to Obama and everyone else who didn’t steal several billion dollars from Iran: this is totally 100% on you. (Also to the waitress who served Hitler

Haven’t watched Modern Family in a while, so I have a question about the top photo. Who’s the old man wearing Manny’s shirt?

I missed the final two episodes before AMC/comcast took it off of streaming. I figured it would be on on Netflix soon. I think that was Twelve Years ago. Can’t watch the new season until those episodes become available (I refuse to pay the per episode fee since I have already basically paid for streaming twice).

Season Ticket holders aren’t paying for their seats in random games in a historically bad season, they are paying for a chance at sitting in a high leverage game for first place or the chance to be first in line to buy good Playoff tickets at a reasonable price. This season ticket holder got to pay face value at the