Lothar of the Chill People

The Pels won’t trade AD before the offseason when Boston can make an offer. They think they can get the Kings pick, the Grizz pick and Tatum. The Lakers don’t have even one asset as good as any of those. For the Pelicans to trade AD this season, he’d have to tell them behind the scenes: trade me to the Lakers right

No one has gotten into The Good Place in 500 years, but Mindy St. Clair was too good for The Bad Place, so they created a Medium Place just for her?!. That would make Mindy the greatest human in the last 500 years. How did Michael not comment on this inconsistency? All he has been thinking about lately is ‘Why does eve

Nitrogen gas (N2) is inert so there are no flavorful by-products like with CO2 (which combines with water to form carbonic acid, carbonate and bicarbonate). The N2 itself is flavorless to humans. (Some non-human animals have H2O taste receptors and maybe some could have N2 receptors, but I’ve never heard of any.)

Deschutes explains that because CO2 is acidic, it amplifies bitter sensations on our palates.

He also trolled the Warriors with Patrick McCaw. He would have trolled the Wizards but the computer couldn’t process a vote for “Dwight Howard Nohomo”

None of these journalists and famous people were wrong to think these kids were snotty, abusive little assholes. They were wrong to promote it nationally and turn it into a big symbolic shaming of teenagers. They are also wrong if in apologizing for the second thing, they suggest that the kids weren’t wrong and were

The reason to make matches best-of-3 sets instead of best-of-5 isn’t to make them shorter; it’s to make the length more predictable. If best-of-5 matches simply added 2 hours, that would be fine, but that isn’t what happens. Imagine most sets take 25-55 minutes (not actual data). That means a typical best of three

Andre Dawson... gave in and signed a blank contract with the Cubs.

It is totally a propaganda move. It was scheduled in the middle of a shut down just so Trump could serve fast food and be a real American and stick it to the Democrats. You can’t say it was an existing commitment that the intrepid president made work with fast thinking and an open wallet: the shutdown started before

Remember when some commenter thought he’d found a game breaking strategy by having four teammates encircle Steph Curry to keep him open? I think we’ve found our new football strategy: have an offensive lineman physically hold up the QB to let him throw without being sacked.

There is actual research showing that a large portion of oversized condoms are bought by people who would be better served by regular sizes. It is actually a health issue because too-big condoms are more likely to come off inside someone. Not saying anything about anyone specifically of course.

[MacKenzie Bezos] is about to get a katrillion dollars because there was no prenup!

I’m pretty sure that guy is equating the end of Apartheid with immigration from non-white/non-Anglo cultures as a huge mistake that destroys a great way of life. He is siding with Apartheid and claiming his position as its equivalent. Proudly.

gay as a synonym for lame was in use into the Obama administration, and since, as we all know, Canada is 5-10 years behind in all fads and trends, Wiggins was absolutely using/exposed to this usage in High School.

The final scene depicts Meadow’s death if anyone’s. The episode brings up the idea of dying without realizing it. That’s the point of the cut to black and silence. But the last thing we see is Tony’s face from Meadow’s viewpoint as she enters. Not Tony’s: so it isn’t Tony’s consciousness ending. The long scene with

Does he know that Deadspin doesn’t pay people to engage in e-mail correspondence with penpals? I’m pretty sure that is the answer to his questioin.

He made plenty of money on the Yankees though, and when they were making the playoffs with the highest payroll, it increased the value of the franchise far more than they spent throwing money at free agents like Texeira or Damon or Giambi. And the commenters who claim the Yankees became good when Steinbrenner stopped

It’s hard to demonstrate that collusion isn’t just “Idiot Groupthink.” It’s like the NFL with Kaepernick. I don’t think they are colluding, they just think the exact same stupid way and won’t deviate from the others. The entire point of “Moneyball” was that you can win by thinking differently from the competition and

This isn’t new. People have played actual professional minor league baseball in the summer then played College football in the fall. I know Doug Johnson did it in 1996/97 for the Rays/Florida Gators, at infield/QB. Kenny Kelly played 3 summers for the Rays in the minors before starting at QB for the Miami Hurricanes

There is a difference between “kill the white people” and “kill white supremacists who indiscriminately murder black children.” If this is the best example the trolls can find for black-on-white racism.... why even bother. I’ve been told white people used to take pride in their work. tsk.