Lothar of the Chill People

Nothing can compete with the ego of a breaking news reporter wanting to claim credit for a scoop.

Marvin Bagley III might wind up the second coming of Blake Griffin

Fun Fact: 8-10 hours a day isn’t the same as 24 hours a day. It’s the difference between a good night’s sleep and a coma.

Too many writers think its cool to incorporate and expand obscure characters, or characters who were the focus of self-contained limited series, but won’t do the work of developing the characters. Bendis was really bad about this (His Ares was awful too). But Sentry as an ongoing pillar of the Marvel Universe is a

That apostrophe on the shirt is really messing with me. What does the rest of the shirt say !?!? Is it ‘3' in single quotes? is it a rogue apostrophe? is it ‘3D’? is it ‘30 meaning the year 1930 or 2030? Something else? I need to know more about Boris Man ‘3 !!!!

I’m just pissed off Sentry is in this. Is there any comic he can’t screw up?

and eventually discovers that his father’s backstory may not be totally true.

This is Heartbreaking for her, but there is no good answer for this situation. The Testosterone limits are a compromise to allow another set of put upon women compete in women’s sports: women who might be considered intersex. They used to do genetic testing and disqualify anyone with a Y chromosome, which caused some

That second photo is uncanny. Van Persie’s hair always looked vaguely unnatural to me: like it was made from the same space age material as the rest of his head.

This is what gets you mad? I thought the whole world— Man, Woman, Conservative, Progressive, Muslim, Christian, dog, cat— agreed Footballers have some stupid haircuts. It’s what they do: they drive gawdy cars, get ridiculous tattoos and sport absurd haircuts. The real disappointment is this years crop aren’t nearly as

These guys deserve to be mocked, but please do not lump in a bunch of pretentious shitheads using current events and a marketing budget to get attention, with any team’s fanbase.

Remember Hardwick started out as the smarmy host of the rapey Meat-Market dating show ‘Singled Out’ with Jenny McCarthy and Carmen Electra. He was never a nerd. He was an entertainment industry guy who saw which way the wind was blowing and used his fondness for scifi/fantasy to build an empire. It’s hard to say what

I think the show explains Miller adequately; no book knowledge needed. Whatever was behind the creation of the ring is pushing Holden’s brain buttons to make him experience/hallucinate Miller. It is able to represent Miller exactly (including his actual memories, feelings and opinions) because Miller was with it when

Now that he’s out of the NBA he can do all the steroids he wants.

Good job by the SS/3B to notice what was going on and toss the ball for Doggy to fetch. But he didn’t realize he was supposed to keep doing it. When Doggo dropped the ball at his feet and the guy didn’t grab it for round two, clever Doggo picked it up and dropped it again, and then again. She was patiently teaching

I agree this argument is weak. It depends on some statistical analysis saying that team with Draymond can lose 2 in a row but not 3. The officials always help the team about to get eliminated. If the Cavs were up 3-1 Curry would have five 4-point plays.

Road Maintenance shouldn’t be paid for by general funds from property, sales and income taxes that pay for pensions, general services and such. They should be (and generally are) paid for by gas taxes and fees levied on those that most use the roads. But people REALLY go apeshit about gas taxes and car fees, (which

The next challenge is how to separate Steph from his defender so that he can get inside the Ring of Protection

The warriors would have made swiping at the ball for steals part of their gameplan, hoping he didn’t have the hand strength to hold on. Every team in the league will “test” a hand injury. Whether you think that means intentionally exacerbating an injury is a matter of perspective.

I’m betting they both watched the 1993 version for English class in High School.