
Wholeheartedly agree! Ever play Red Alert 1? Both the Allies and Soviet campaigns were quite length... the good old days of RTS campaigns :(

I do agree with the sentiment but I'd argue that:

I don't understand... there's no real problem with Origin. It's quick install and runs in the background. You'd miss out on THIS because of a tiny program?!

My friends all ran the beta on Ultra graphics perfectly with what would be considered mid-range PC's.

I know you're joking, but... *slap* don't be fucking stupid. I'd happily go through Origin and hell, even another layer of shit, just to get 40 extra players. Did you play the beta? Did you not FEEL like you were in a ghost town on Metro sometimes?

From that height... they may just do so!

I second that! Cities XL is shit!

While I was at GamesCom, I am CERTAIN that at the Transformers: Universe booth (which was fiendishly tucked away at the back next to the the Starcraft 2 tournament) I saw people playing with customisation on a touch screen. It looked quite intricate to me, so fingers crossed!

They did, in ways, make a mistake releasing a fully-open beta. As you say, it's horrible how many people don't understand the concept of what a beta is and what it is used for. To be honest, I don't think the way it was advertised helped: it was made to be seen as more of a 'preview' or a demo of Battlefield 3 and so

Indeed! I can't personally stand Apple products and go out of my way to complain, because that's just how I am, but I certainly appreciated the quality human being that Steve Jobs was and what he has done for the 'electronic gadget industry' as I'll call it.

Well I worked that one out after I remembered the skill even existed.

Same for me! The 'boss' zombie that you had to kill at the end of that section was just fucking ridiculous! Very fast, very strong, with virtually no way to avoid him. It was just a case of hitting him as many times as you could before you got killed, just to respawn, rinse and repeat.

Snipers piss me off and I can't wait for PC servers on the full game so they can limit the Sniper count. It's not fun being penned in your base by Snipers not being able to do anything about it and don't anybody say "It's easy to get out of it" because you're just a liar: spawn camping was a problem in Bad Company 2

Ha, I was thinking the same thing.


I played this game at GamesCom this year with my brother and I have to say, quite honestly, that this was a very enjoyable game to play - I like that it is hugely reliant on team work and I like even more that this is free to play, so that I can convince my friends to join me in smashing other people :D

I think it's worthwhile comparing how the game looks on different platforms if only to see what the Xbox 360 is still capable of in comparison to a decent gaming rig.

Quite right. The only other game that genuinely scared me was Resident Evil 1 for PS1.

Games based on a UK-founded brand. Alas, I do agree some Europeans are snooty.. like the French! Sure glad I'm English! There ain't snooty people over here...
