
At the end of the day, if people just hadn't have said what they said about each other in the first place, there'd be no worrying, or calling for the assassination of someone who shows them for who they are.

@Intelli: I disagree. I find it efficient enough to just click into the address bar and type what I'm searching for. I can even use the Tab key to get there :D

Wasn't this already obvious?

@Platypus Man: It makes you wonder why they don't support their other games as avidly...

Well that was ridiculous.

Surely this just further proves the evolution theory.

@orcein: Indeed! Freelancer.. I think just took the suffix of Starlancer because it pretty much has nothing to do with the first and was an utter joke in respect to what I was hoping it would be!

A well liked series? There's been 2 games!

@Hami83: Fearmongering.

@beanLaden: You're probably right. Let's hope GoW3 fixes things!

@AntiheroKing: You like the Shamanistic horde lore? Well, you better give up on that because now Tauren have Paladins.

@AlexTHVK: But isn't it that Sylvannas Windrunner and other humans were betrayed/left to die by the Alliance/Humanity/Arthas?

@Shippoyasha: I personally don't get any lag O_o

@beanLaden: The MP problems actually caused me to stop playing Gears completely. I got sick of people blaming my connection because I play every other friggin' game fine.

Project Sylpheed?

Wow, I dunno who Skip Bayless is (I live in Britain) but he sure as hell is stupid.

@-MasterDex-: Sure. Long development times aren't such a bad thing.. as long as the final product is actually on balance quality wise with the time it took to make.

@-MasterDex-: Surely production time starts from the point of conceiving it... like a child.