@directhex: Begads, somebody who agrees? Even the likes of GAME and Amazon want £35 for it. Still far too much.
@directhex: Begads, somebody who agrees? Even the likes of GAME and Amazon want £35 for it. Still far too much.
@Møbius: And in 30 years your great, great grandchildren will say the same thing, but about the "Excalibur .50 Super Full Auto".
@Pat Chan: I believe we may well have just brainstormed a spin-off.
@Batousi: Maybe they've gone all Land of the Dead-esque on us and made the Necromorphs smarter than before so they can function like normal human beings to disguise themselves... like Terminators.
@knails: Not the "true" ending. Or at least, what is considered so.
@Batousi: I doubt it.
@Batousi: Maybe they think you're a bunch of retards, who are willing to pay out for a "better" motion sensing experience?
Built in rechargeable batteries? Who cares for that when Kinect doesn't need them.
Hahaha. Ah, today is a good day.
@Sloopydrew: Good point about the games you named.
God I hate Activision. I really, really, really do. They're in love with themselves.
@william7: He's a soldier? Well I'll be...
@Action Fitz: We always get shafted with prices.
@ThaMofo: But it's probably made with the blood of orphans.
@Igor Neumann: The problem is, people don't advertise these features enough.
@rich8606: And for that you can thank Epic's UDK ;)
Oh, so this is "Diabcroft?" or some mishapen, evil combobulation of that?
@ryoshi: Maybe they mean unique in name? or the way it's held!
@Lightbourn: O_O
@Lightbourn: Err... okay? O_o