
@Taggart6: Actually, some of the best songs of all time have been written while under the influence.

You're all just terrified of how they're going to further empower the Paladin.

@totallyrockyabs: You say that, however, much like Bungie's multi player playlists, eventually, you're gonna need these maps to essentially stay in the game.

@ToastyUterus: I'm not sure how any of us survived the famine. It just goes to show how resilient humans really are...

Well, I'm quite impressed.

I'm gonna disagree.

@SeattleTed: So many people still play this game, me and my friends find games of all kinds in a matter of seconds.

@breadtruck: Unreal Tournament 4 shouldn't exist after the slack UT3.

@Kyosuke_Nanbu: Superior on what sense? I like my PC games for many reasons, one of them being I can buy them without feeling like I was mugged afterwards.

@SergioAM: I hate Mac's because I'm a Windows lovin' Microsoft fan boy.

Sorry but... the best they can come out with is Mac support?

@MightyMonk: Not that it works on me, mind you.

The thing is, this is to tie in with the films of both Aliens and Predator franchises. Both are relatively dark (okay, Predator 1 was in a jungle in the day, mostly).. but yeah.

@sgtteddybear: So that'll be £170 to me here in the UK, I expect.

@Schrodingers_Cthulu: Yeah. You're right. One game that has really suprised me as of late though, is AVP, the demo at least.

Mm. Tasty.

If it's the same as Cerebrus, and called "Project Ten Dollar", I'm expecting it to cost... 10 dollars? Silly Plunkett.

Why does it look like it's just burning the snow... that shouldn't even be possible, but I'm sure that snow is going brown and black, than disappearing :|