
You are not getting the love or respect you deserve because the dang video didn’t embed.

She also fought against passing physician-assisted suicide laws.

Arbitrage is such a fancy word for such a simple concept.  I love it. 

I have a less expensive hand-burr grinder, and I rarely use it. Buy an electric if you are in the market.

Some days you make the snake wear it, other days you’re wearing it.

“want to watch women’s college softball longer than you have to”

And one!

favorite sizes of measuring cup

Hidden Brain just did a podcast about people watching experts instead of actually doing an activity and it seriously bummed me out. Anyway, Bob Ross was specifically mentioned. The answer is unequivocally no to Chad’s question.

This is the best comment.

Now playing

I mean the smart phone thing is a red herring. Sitting close is dangerous even paying 100% close attention. The netting isn’t ideal as it is mildly annoying, but it beats getting beaned.

He then fired a shot, alleging some of Anheuser-Busch’s products are made with high-fructose corn syrup.

Man that is disheartening to hear. I had always heard SD firms were protective of local law schools but sounds like its just a tough market in general.

This is a good example of the critical importance of preparation and anticipating how anti-choice supporting will twist every word you say.

While I do pull for the hockey team my handle is in reference to my alma mater, the Oregon Ducks.

the Padres could make an enticing pitch at Mike Trout on the open market.

WTF happened in Virginia today and why isn’t anyone covering it on this site? Did the Dems just come into the hearing woefully unprepared to talk about the finer points of third-trimester abortions? Because they sure as shit handed anti-choice idiots “infanticide” on a fucking platter.

Also, to further your point, and to support the point that billionaires are policy failures: Using 55,212 gallons of diesel at 10 gal per Nmile to transport a few people is just criminal. This whole paragraph makes me want to puke.

The problem is the users.