Most attorney work is fairly boring, even drafting compelling or interest motions is fairly boring. So now I wish I was translating contracts making bank.
Most attorney work is fairly boring, even drafting compelling or interest motions is fairly boring. So now I wish I was translating contracts making bank.
Well I think it is presumed those would be your languages forever. Like you can’t pick Japanese, Chinese and French, then learn English later. You can’t learn any other languages at all.
I don’t understand the Language questions. I think part of the question is missing. The question might have read: You can wake up tomorrow fluent in three languages but not English, or stay fluent in English and not understand any other langue, which do you choose?
Scotch is bad, drink bourbon.
A Jesse reference without a “Yo?” I’m not mad, just disappointed, yo.
gave you a star for your ETA.
Same laws they got Capone on. As long as people are making money illegally, their won’t be proper W-2’s. Tax fraud and illegal wire transfers are a bitch.
I know Pete Rose got his knob polished for sliding into home during that one All-Star game, but I guarantee you every other player there was silently like, “What is that stupid asshole doing?”
As a federalist, I believe that power should be decentralized, with those wielding it closely accountable to the people they serve.
Definitely read the headline as “Get Over College, Kids.”
“More laws won’t change anything, criminals will still break the law”
I wasn’t denying that that’s a GOP talking point. Simply providing facts to disprove the talking point.
My girlfriend REFUSES to see this movie because she doesn’t like scary movies. I have told her repeatedly that this movie is no more scarier than Stranger Things, and has far more impact than Stranger Things. It has gotten to the point now though, that she won’t see it out of spite because I have bothered her so much…
I don’t think it is necessarily fair to ask commenters on a website to have an iron clad solution to this problem beyond “more gun control.” (which isn’t a bad starting point anyway)
Saying Or-y-gun is wrong the same way saying Pyeongchang with a chang instead of saying chong.
and to that point, they literally can’t do it from this country.
“solve the DACA puzzle.”
He did. That is an old picture.
Sounds like New Mexico is sending Bob to Davie Jones Locker!
Yeah I guess that was the wrong term. I just find it perplexing that such a hot restaurant would have a hard time filling a table on 24-48 hours cancellation.