
That's indeed what government and the IIHS do. They want to continually paint auto manufacturers as evil corporations out to kill you. Except crash protection has been improving since the 1920s with or without government and the IIHS.


also, the rover's heated seats will keep you warm whilst waiting for the tow truck.

Everything is a better buy than a Range Rover.

I'd be crying too, knowing that I'd eventually have to return to Milwaukee.

the downside is that it's full of Californians.

Some yes. All, no. And what about their current work forces? What if the Toyota employees dont want to move from the Torrance area to the valley, Orange County, nor-cal, etc?

Actually, pretty sure all Toyota has to do is show them what Texas cost of living looks like when compared to SoCal's bills. They'll save enough in taxes alone that they can *vacation* in California when the urge strikes them.

This story from Automotive News makes the case that Toyota is actually doing a decent job of trying to woo its workers with generous offers but that, uh, not everyone wants to move to Dallas.

For sale: International Scout. Runs well, but drones on the highway.

No I'm telling you to go fuck yourself. I love my state of Texas. Liberal pussy.

Texas says to go fuck yourself pussy.

A top-of-the-range American pickup truck is a better luxury car than a luxury car.

What's the matter, South Korea? Afraid of a little FREEDOM?

Wait, I don't know French. I give up.

Bring on the parade of "the UK show is better". Bon chance mes amis.

I would surrender an hour to watch that.

I'm glad to see they found my ex.

The hypocrisy of this post is pretty fabulous I must say... While I'm no creationist, I don't think jackasses like you are helping the evolutionary argument.

Kurt Warner isn't taking to the internet to call for genocide, though, and he does have that going for him.