
Anthony Mackie is catching flack after saying that black dudes shouldn't grow dreadlocks if they don't want to be bothered by the police and that Oscars are so white because "people are just tired of being bombarded with race right now."

Don't fail me now Jezebel. I await the puns.

Can I just make the point that there was a M989 5 ton in that video? At the start, its parked right next to the stuck Ram.

and suggest that Barack Obama, a literal African American, has not lived the "African American experience."

I have Amazon Prime. Suckers are out there, paying for Netflix AND shipping. Muahahaha.

Ah. Well at least the engine will never break. Probably the last gas Land Cruiser engine that will outlive the pyramids: I have no faith in the 4.7L or the 5.7L making over 200k miles without a serious overhaul. I know my Hemi will need work before then. Then again I don't drive it much so it will probably go a while.

I'd probably average that if I drove it more. I have a Sonata for daily driving.

It's an '08 Power Wagon: it was just the "Power Wagon" trim back then. And its lifted on 35" tires now, so I do (at best) 16mpg on the highway, doing 60mph in fifth. City mileage is, well, I like to think about how much happier it would be if I convert it to kilometers per gallon, and then just forget about the

I liked it, but it felt kind of restrained. Then again, I'm kinda used to Gawker properties and commenters, who aren't Larry Wilmore. I was wondering if the whole "are white people just getting angry at black people?" part was a bit off, but again maybe Wilmore is more "moderate" or something.

Wait sororities can't have alcohol? I mean one that should be changed, duh, but two...

As a Power Wagon owner, it is my duty to inform the both of you that you don't have enough payload or power. Now excuse me, there is a gas station I haven't stopped at today.

So the thing about PTSD is... it doesn't work the way you think it does. PTSD sufferers often retreat into a more "macho" ideal of themselves, and they often suffer silently. They can even seem outwardly functional most of the time. Trying to hype up the PTSD story line would of been untruthful. The truth is ever

Ummm I hate you now. I <3 Sienna Miller and you are dumb.

Just to note, the film is actually really anti-war and a sort of take-down of the whole "macho man" ideal. So there is that.

What's next? "American Sniper has too many vowels in its title and causes global warming"?

The problem is the time. We are living with a different morality today than back then. And even though there were people back then who would of found this deplorable, I know good and well that large parts of society were ok with this. Hell, I have journals from old relatives on my dad's side who were themselves labor

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber ate some food.

Is this Season of Girls any good? I keep hearing negative things but I don't know if I'm just listening to haters.

I can just see you, pancake-to-mouth, with like a church choir doing hymns from the living room.

$30k for a fiberglass body on a Beetle frame? No thanks. Instead, contribute to Doug's new car budget (just 6 more people like you and he can get a new Ford GT!).