
So, lets be honest about Madonna for a moment: she actually doesn't care. She isn't a feminist, or on-board with issues of social inequality. We have, in the past, tried to level these at her because we want a famous person to represent us.


^This. In Pickuptrucks.com recent testing, the 6.2L GM V8 was averaging better MPG than the F-150 2.7L Ecoboost did in this test.

The IRL fuel economy of the eco-diesel has been fantastic. Many hand calculations (miles driven divided by gallons put in the tank) have either matched or even beaten the EPA numbers. The EPA cycle is kind of weird: it usually over-estimates what a gas engine gets, and under-estimates what a diesel will do. Especially

You are daft, you know that? On a US centered website a US driver and writer talks about how Volkswagen failed to meet its US sales goals and you are sticking up your nose because "BUT THE REST OF THE WORLD?!!?"

And we love you too! And listen to Taylor Swift in solidarity.

The word "feminist" has more connotations that just its dictionary definition, though. I don't see why we can allow the optics of other words to be something we grapple with, but can't stand that anyone would possibly not want to be associated with a predominately western white women's movement that has excluded

You realize that by nature of debate and how knowledge works that there are tons of guys (and gals!) who don't know anything about feminism? With like 3% of guys and 24% of women identifying as "feminist" and most of them not knowing everything about it, there are going to be shit tons more with questions than with

Feminist Who Doesn't Know He's A Feminist Until You Tell Him

Teaching, graduate school, work, a loud restaurant, a yoga class, a Peace Corps bus where a literal goat is sitting on your backpack, a Sunday when you're comatose till two in the afternoon

*fist bump* Yep. Not surprising the V8 matched its targets, and the turbo engines suffered.

Thing is, I don't really think so. What really kills trucks like this is drag, and given the rear end I don't think this is really going to change much.

You aren't crazy. With the exception of the grille and tailgate, it all seems to be the same. Although, now there is that stupid piece of black plastic under the grill, just like on the Colorado and Canyon.

What is with trucks and these stupid black pieces of plastic? It still looks like it has a better approach angle than the Colorado, but why even have this plastic bit? It is just going to get torn off.

The .gifs are in reverse chronological order, btw.

That bird is sooooooo trippy.

At 56, she is just a few years short of DOOOOOMMMMMM. So I'd take pictures too.

She's all "greatest. fish. story. EVAR."

I don't know. My worst nightmare is a world without burritos,

The BFG!