
Crisis Core, also known as the greatest Final Fantasy game Square Enix has ever made.

Smart move for Rockstar to bring back Smuggler’s Run in a clever way, without releasing an unnecessary standalone game :)

I still don’t know how to feel about this game.

The fuck are you saying. Kill la kill was great

Yeah, um, that’s pretty much the opposite of what Trigger is all about. Their stuff is proudly cartoony, earnest, and over-the-top. Basically a rejection of the symbolism-based cynicism of Evangelion (in fact, part of what drove them to leave Gainax in the first place was that the studio was pouring resources into the

I was never a huge Fable fan (Enjoyed the second and played through a bit of the first and the third), but it still bums me out that they didn’t release Fable Legends. I played it at GDC a few years back and thought it was a pretty fun multiplayer game. It (weirdly enough) gave me a bit of a PSO vibe.

I feel like the one with the Boos kind of dropped the ball by not having one design on the front and one on the back, rather then one on each side. Otherwise these are awesome.

Please, do record it and share it with the world.

My brother is on a quest to see if you can take a chicken into the final battle with Ganon, and if so, to see if you can whittle Ganon down, then trick him into striking the chicken and letting the chicken strike the final blow against him.

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I play people that own Ps4's & Xbox One’s all the time in Rocket League.

So just call him Bolt, because that’s his name. Ussain Bolt is called Boruto. Another hint is that Bolt’s name is usually written in Katakana. And in addition to shit about Naruto, poking around on Japanese Google gets you results like these.

I think the best thing would be if it was console exclusive.

It’s like you were just waiting for a comment that would let you use that screenshot.

That’s just the concept art. The actual game looks like it came from the SNES:

In truth the Felguard voice is a carry over from the voice of the Doomguard, which in vanilla World of Warcraft was a very special demon that required a sacrifice to call forth and would often go out of control, randomly killing innocent mailbox dancers.

Jon’s views aren’t based on real statistics, but from Breitbart bullshit. He argued that the most well off black person is still more violent and more likely to commit crimes than the worst off whites. Please don’t let him half-assedly backpedal from such a blatantly racist (and factually incorrect) statement.

Wow do I hate gamers like this. I know there are bad apples in every kind of hobby/fandom/whatever, but man oh man is this particular brand of bullshit getting way too common for my liking.

No, but it is. (In the same article last September where I reported that characters would be reset, I reported that D2 is coming to PC.)