
Why can’t either of these games be on Android?

No deal on the PC version? :(

No deal on the PC version? :(

A shame that someone has to catfish like this for attention, especially given the situation with EA. The developers deserve support for their hard work (the single player of BF2 looks great), specially in light of EA’s terrible business decision. They don’t need the situation tainted with crap like this.

The twist of course, is that all the factions have flawed philosophies. Dead Orbit might want us to expand to the stars, but it’s at the exclusion of everything else - they’d basically have us become the next fallen and abandon our planet.

It’s been a while, but don’t they brainwash him into thinking he’s human or something?

Wonder if they did this on purpose, similar to TOTALLYNOTRYANRENOLDS leaking that Deadpool screentest.

Never realized they made that game, but man it was amazing (at the time).

Speaking of weird schedules, whats up with them only releasing 4 episodes of the second season of The Seven Deadly Sins?

Well, I look forward to trying it.

I just want basically Destiny and Elite Dangerous to be released as one game, and it’s a true, single server MMO.

And also a new 2D Metroid game released along side it..

Feel the Bite.

How about free StarCraft as an alternative?

I think the story of Halo 5 was ok, but such a break from the “search the truth” ad campaign was a big letdown. They essentially lied about the story, and it made the fight between them seem silly. Of course people were disappointed.

The “fraps 60fps” in the top right corner is a nice touch.

“While it’s unlikely that a mod like Warcraft Tales would’ve wrecked WoW or even done a notable amount of damage, I can understand Blizzard’s caution. As is, Blizzard allows certain kinds of interface mods in WoW. Anything beyond that is where they draw the line.”

Doesnt have to have cross platform for PVP..

Destiny 2 will also offer some sort of PlayStation-exclusive content, as the first game did—Sony says they’ll have more info on that over the summer.”

Really can’t wait for Sword Oratorian and My Hero Academia. I need something to help me make it through the loss of Konosuba.