I guess I was just...
I guess I was just...
What is wrong with you people? Why can’t you wait 4 months for the trailer?
Wow, amazing.
“This short-form anime is told entirely in first person and features anime boys that whisper pillow talk as they lay beside you.”
This would make sense for either a Batman MMO, or a new Arkham batman game with a new (unestablished) Batman in the cowl.
I just hope they make the required DLC either cheaper, or not required. I just purchased the game before this was announced and you’re telling me I have to spend how much?
I assume this is how politicians survive after they say stupid shit like abortion causing droughts.
You know, I’m really excited about this Federation Force game. A Prime game for 3ds that extends and depthens the Metroid universe? Yes please.
Blah, no friends that are in the program. Why couldn’t they just make it open opt in, like Windows 10?
RIP Metroid Dread
Lots of specs were worthless, paladins were only viable as Holy yet any Paladin gear had int, str, and sta.
Hyrule Castle guys, Hyrule Castle!
Not bad for DLC for two systems.
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I can’t wait for players to abuse campaign finances and to ignore the growing problem of climate change!
Kind of a shame, all the work on character variations seemed really cool.
Tbf, if they had used Windows 8 it probably would have rebooted into Metro and looked even more ridiculous.
Been awhile since I played, but that’s not what I remember (or perhaps its changed since).
Don’t forget you are limited in race selection. Was rather lame to discover I would have to subscribe just to play a character I had previously made..
5 million people can’t be too wrong!