
But it is, in our society, a highly gendered crime that is affected and informed by how our society view the victims and women and male/female gender dynamics in general. So it's, you know, different.

Upvote for Totoro is the best


Re: Are men and women ever really friends?

Yeah I can sympathize, also went through an awful breakup and now that I'm trying to date I can find a reason to rule out pretty much anyone. There's always some reason. I don't have any advice, just solidarity! I guess I'm going to try to do it anyway?

Hey, even just putting this out there and posting this is a huge step, so yay you!

Same here, for reals. Upvote for solidarity!

So I disagree a bit with the review…I actually think this was a really great episode, especially in context of the previous one. Bojack does awful things and is self destructive and narcissistic and hurts those around him, and he is overall a terrible person. He is still relatable, at least to me, because it is so

Yes. They are still there, and it is awful. People sometimes say that complaining about hipsters is the ultimate hipster thing, but this is all theoretical crap until you are actually there. They are still there, and it is bad :(

Yeah its sad because people who think that being a dick/asshole gets you laid are usually the non alpha male types who don't fit into the gender expectations (aggressive, physically strong, good at sports, etc.) our society sets up for men. But instead of realizing the whole patriarchal system is set up against women