World's Okayest Firefighter

These were very fun little cars. I remember Richard Hammond gushing over the 2Gen when it debuted. Decent design overall for the time period and they handled fairly well. A few folk sin my old SCCA group ran them and always posted reasonably competitive times.

Save me Tom Cruise.

Ya don’t kiddo. Sorry. See my reply above. 

No actually. We don’t. I’ve been working crash rescue for over a decade and see this sort of thing all the time. People will cut each other off, speed, and then ride the brakes past the cop. This causes reactions quite a long ways  back in heavy traffic. The Virginia sections of I-95 have more patrols than I can shake

I don’t think we drive more carefully. We just learn when and where to slow down and when we can floor it again. At least, that’s the gist I’m getting from watching traffic on I95. 

Well... They learned how to make a car that looks like someone’s bad Reddit post of their “perfect supercar”. The F50 is certainly prettier in comparison. The SF90, if it lives up the press, should be a proper monster though. In both performance aaaand that face.  

Thaaaannkk youuu. “It’s a safari!” So.... A hipster donk?

At least they pretended the Aztec was an off-roading machine....thing... 

They did that for years. Get the bike for kinda cheap. Replace parts forever. 

Military like fashion... 🤣

Huh. That’d actually be pretty hilarious to watch. Of course, both companies usually have pretty nice stations so, win/win? 

Haha finally! God I should be better at this, haha. I didn’t even think Wawa stations were up that far. But, it’s also been over a decade since I was on the east coast. And that sounds better than VA! This state is.. Well it’s in shambles. 

*googles a child’s map of the US and throws a dart* Delaware?

Welp.. Um.. DC or... I dunno. Do they have Wawa stations north of Maryland? lol

It’s expensive, sleep with the wife, never allow the husky on the bed. Got it.

That last part though........ That’s the challenging one. He’s devious. 

Maryland! lol

Does anyone else see the first photo and think “Holy crap... Someone actually made the Barbie Jeep”?


Oh they are very much worse in person. 

Because if it rains, you replace the OptiSpark. If the car gets washed, you replace the Optispark. If you park it for awhile, decide to top off the fluids before driving, and spill some? You replace the Optispark. And when you replace the OptiSpark, you replace the water pump. Because the pseudo electric timing device