
That stuff is still pretty processed...

I use vim for work. All day, 5 days a week.

Remember kids, this only works with Linux, not with FreeBSD or any other OS running X.

@phoenix: Praying you don't get stabbed? You could sure use the experience to learn something about the real world outside of your little bubble.

Oh please, stop whining. I took a couple years off to travel with no money at all. Just a backpack, a guitar, and a sleeping bag. When you're young, all you need is a dry place to sleep and one or two meals a day. You can always find odd jobs for an hour or two a day to keep you fed, or hit the local charities if not

No love for lout? :(

Most useless benchmark ever.

I always just paste it into notepad and then copy it from notepad again, but this is probably faster?

@St.Jimmy - Only 3 of these are exclusive to Linux. What a poseur you are. No wonder people who love Unix all moved to BSD. Too many pseudo-geeks yammering about their desktops.

Exclusive to Linux? I'm willing to bet that most of these programs compile on lots of other *nix operating systems. You might not want to shout "Linux" too much, for y'all are beginning to sound like a bunch of wannabe-geeks.

Great practical joke, too. Unscrew the lightbulb and leave half the drawers open and filled with thumbtacks and rattle snakes.

So it doesn't work on *BSD, just Linux?

Sledgehammer. "Let's see you spin up THIS platter GeekSquad. Muahahaha!"

I spent wisely and bought a 450 watt bass amp and 2x12 cabinet so I can rock out with my drummer buddy and hopefully attract all competent musicians and hot girls within a 30 mile radius to join us and bring beer...

How many layers of dusty processes can I sweep under the carpet? Just one?

I don't get it. I guess Twitter is like IM; it's better than email and IRC in exactly zero ways! Let's use it!

Bah! *spit*

@voodoodle: I hope you have better hair...

Avoid bright sunlight unless you're using flash or HDR to bring up the shadows. Otherwise you get too much contrast and either blown highlights or impenetrable shadows.

Alcohol works.