Middle East Guy

according to him a lot of the high/low mix up game was nerfed, so now a lot of characters can only rely on medium attacks. He then mentioned that supers are game breaking in that they're way too easy to combo into, and that you can combo a super into another super which is silly. Finally he was peeved that countering

I had this great png file which was a long list of why original fans hate this new devil may cry. It was divided into 5 well argued points, and the 'they changed how Dante looked' is only one of them.

My same exact thoughts. While casuals were drooling over Vader and Star Killer, I was grumbling about how the game-play became worse. And now a friend of mine who got a chance to play the game at a loc-test in London says the game is even MORE dumbed down. so no thanks, I'll pass

Same story with me. I watched years ago how everyone talked about the idea of making it, and then a forum was created to discuss the creation of the game. I went there, and posted numerous ideas and discussed story ideas with others, but eventually thought 'this project will never see completion' and lost interest.

I remember reading in the forums that yes he was aware of the game, and that he was very amused by it.

but they _were_ all asian in the original.

Same here but its decent enough. Also Maya looks like she should be younger (she was 17 in her debut), but oh well.

They're from America in the original Japanese game. The whole German thing was added for American localization.

Just as you said, Hollywood will always white wash their cast, because that's their target demography.

actually he's supposed to be from the united states in the Japanese one. His Japanese name is Gou Karuma, with no German attached to it.

nope. there's some firmware you can download called LTE which flashes your dvd drive and allows you to play copies. Now with LTE their is the possibility that you will get banned off of xbox live when you play a copy game, but most people say that its only a 40% chance. So these people are either playing online, or as

I would recommend just getting the latest one for the balance of the characters. Then with youtube you can watch the entire storyline in Continuum Shift to catch up on whats going on

that manga is hilarious. Keep reading as it doesn't rely on the masturbation for the entire story

looks like Lili also has a complex about her breast size, and gets jealous when she sees Cammy's

couldn't have said it better myself.

Now playing

here's one for any single men that have to celebrate christmas alone

Depends on who you ask. I have lots of Asian friends who dislike Western desserts as they think they are way to sweet. Its interesting when you try Chinese or Japanese sweets, as their sweetness is a lot more subtle

My Chinese friend claims its because Asian restaurants in America cook their food and 'Americanize' it, as American's dislike the taste of 'real Chinese' food. He invited us over one time and had his mom cook us authentic Chinese food... it was damn good and tasted completely different then any Asian restaurant I had

as mentioned, by promoting tweets that talk about a product. I remember reading that kim kardashian gets 4000$ every time she tweets about a product... so I'm guessing there's also money that the companies pay to twitter.

I've had my eye on that one, as though I own a madcatz TE I want another stick for when I have friends over. Have you possibly tried the RAZOR arcade stick, as I'm interested in that one as well but can't decide between them (Leaning towards the eightarc though for the dual mod)