Middle East Guy

Yeah people have been pissed about that. First capcom gave the excuse that it was due to the earthquake, an excuse that no one was buying. Only recently Seth Killian went and admitted that the reason they aren't just doing DLC characters is because Japan is against DLC, meaning they would cut out their Japanese

Damn that's pretty informative.

Except quad core _is_ the one that does what I want, and I would never buy something for bragging right alone.

True, but I was referring to the quad core tablets coming out in early 2012. I'm willing to wait a few more months as we're already so close.

The reason I didn't pick up a galaxy tab 10. Why pick up one when I know quad core tablets are on the way?

I was just about to mention that. A hired motion actor already performed all that so the editors comments of it being too crazy to pull off are false. Still I can't blame him though as most people don't pick up on it. I remember when playing MGS3 some friends complained that Ocelot's gun spinning were too long and

Its one thing to rip off another series and try to do it your own way, but this is outright stealing/copying character sprites and recolouring them to be in your game.

this will be the last thing you see before you die!

Have you seen the very first design of Abel? He was originally supposed to look like this [www.x-cult.org]

wasn't there talk of a Kite tv series? Mezo Forte got a tv series so I remember hearing that they had something in the works, but it never took off.

yeah I felt bad for the dude as he just gets randomly killed near the end. I guess it makes sense in the assassins world, but it still didn't like it as it comes out of nowhere.

I loved Shadows of the Damned, but it suffered from a bunch of flaws. Hopefully this time this game will be perfectly polished.

Indeed. He's one of my favourite commentators in tournaments.

yep no surprise there. I ran into someone who was doing a sepiroth build. White hair, black clothes, and a really really really long katana (I believe its called the washing pole in the game)

just wait till you get to tomb of the giants. OH GOD THESE DOG SKELETONS!

Nearly every one of those Mac vs Pc commercials boasted that the mac does not get viruses. I would say it was definitely part of their marketing strategy, and many people I know bought macs because they believed it.

Now playing

oh and since we're on the subject of HNK


oh boy have fun with tomb of the giants. Its really annoying as you won't be able to see shit, even if you try to turn up the brightness at full. So be ready to die a million times walking the wrong step or being pushed off ledges by enemies.