Middle East Guy

@NeVeRMoRe666: Get it as you sound like the type of gamer that enjoys a challenge. Demon's souls will definitely give you that challenge

I see it still happen. in fact last week on a forum a bunch of us users were talking about Demon's Soul's and how much we love the game, discussing strategy or the usual stuff. Except this one user then came in and started bragging about how easy the game was, how he had gotten everything and beaten everything. we

@Sparkle Biscuit: He's way to popular to be left out. I hate him but I knew it was inevitable

@battra92: there are still some good titles... you just have to look harder nowadays.

@iatw: I believe they can't do much because the core security was flawed. I won't talk specifics as I'm not an expert, but from watching the hacker presentation that was posted on kotaku a few weeks ago explained that there was a series fundamental flaw within the core, and that basically that is why no matter how

@Brodka: regrettably: The creators at bioware had an interview where they pretty much said the same thing, stating that jrpgs are not rpgs at all and more like 'adventure games with stats'

Of course he probably cut the tutorial to save time, but I usually roll my eyes when someone skips a tutorial. No one has any patience anymore

The shame, however, could be said about Western. should be the 'same' #corrections

Its funny as a friend was telling me just a few days ago 'if they want to convert otaku then they should just make a moe anime about religion, and then otaku will convert in droves'

@bitgod: There is also the manga which is Sadamoto's version of things. Shinji is more prone to lashing out in anger in the manga, so a lot of fans like that version of him better.

@ShaughnTr0n: because eva was relatively unique. Back then the anime industry was producing a lot of shows which were all the same: hero's who fought aliens/monsters/mechs in giant robots, and they would scream out their attacks and always save the day. Instead Eva gave us a show that focused on characters that were

@Nick Edge: A lof of people hate on Shinji, but what they don't seem to understand is that he is the one of the more realistic potryals of a young adult thrust into fighting. He goes through a lot of confusing emotions, and eventually near the end he just breaks down and loses the will to live. This seems to offend a

@Zinger314: its fine as I didn't think of anything oral. as soon as I saw the image all I could think of was 'BROTHERRRRRR!!!!!' in that british accent.

@Skyward Sonik: Tell me about it. Its hard enough to block a good vipers cross over tactics, but with this angle lol? it was weird enough just seeing Ryu throw a fireball

Its 4am right now chicago time so I'll probably have a ton of grammar errors.

@Poison: Abel was kinda weird for me at first, and I didn't play him. But once I finally understood how to utilize his rush down, and just wail on opponents with attacks and special throws... I never looked back.

@Platypus Man: a combo is a sequence of attacks such as: crouch weak punch, crouch weak punch, crouch medium punch into red Hadoken, focus cancel dash into ultra

@Metal Keir Solid: Indeed. Fundamentals are very important, and a lot of people don't realize that. I run into lot of players who can dish out a crazy string combo, but as soon as you counter that they are completely lost, like a machine that was programmed to do only one thing and can't grasp that the situation has