@Neeraj Verma: Gold in the crust, not gold in the earth. huge difference. One is accessible.
@DingoJunior: Gold in the crust, not gold in the earth. Sigh.
@Dorian Arbos: Actually, it's the star, not the nova that produces heavy elements. And, if you're going to argue please reference
@DingoJunior: Thank you.
All of the gold on the crust of the earth would fit inside of the base of the statue of liberty. 2,800 tons. It's like 6th rarest element period.
@kevipants!: Cat fight!
@snapper.fishes: your image is disturbingly phallic.
in mother russia photo shops you
@Erik Leitner: I think you completely misread the quote.
@Boomdiggity!: +3
I want the unedited version
For this concept to work would the heat engine have to be used at asite of solar-thermal concentration such as with parabolic dish or trough?
@Carlos Watson: Another excellent explanation. Why the F do the commenters of have to do the investigatory reporting. Why is giz just a shit-hole repository of other people's news?
@Korwin: See, now that's a theory.
@learniiburn: Completely disagree!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Jim-Bob: Easily the best part of that car is the rear facing camera with in dash display
@spline9: that was starworthy
@avatar003: Funny you should say that. I am exclusively complimented on this fact. You are the first person ever to show contempt. I'm sorry you didn't pass the IQ test. that's all it is, really.