@Homerjay has ABSA Fever: There's a video. It's linked to the journal article in Science Mag a part of the american association for the advancement of science
@Homerjay has ABSA Fever: There's a video. It's linked to the journal article in Science Mag a part of the american association for the advancement of science
@Jesse Scroggins: you're going to trust teh googel webs with your baby?
These are definitely nanotubes. Of what, I do not know, but nanotubes for sure.
she would make a terrible histologist or pathologist. The slides would be 100x more beautiful and artistic at a higher mag and res and without all of the artifacts of her untrained mounting technique. Anyone can spit in a dish and snap a shot of it.
@Brian Wilson: I think that screen tech is probably the greatest limiting factor in the market.
@microinjectionist: why don't I read elsewhere? because I'm a loyal fan.
After 9 hours (9 hours!) of waiting for a post about something... anything, while the rest of the internet technology blogs chug away all night long, Giz posts a 2-paragrapher about a blurry photo with a glaring typo (a missing word; nay the actual subject of the sentence, 'screen')
I like that the latest movie's warp is suuuuuuper fast. and like... woah where'd it go. Makes sense I think
my own e-z-bake 3d printer?
I would like to point out that new proteins are transcribed and translated in a time frame of under 10 seconds. And to assemble a full set of light harvesting complexes, with the 50 proteins involved, can take under a minute.
i notice the apple products are identical
@Canoehead: What do you people want?! Hot pink and tentacle retractable sausage pens??? is that what you want!!??
@Dare_not_speak_its_name: oh, i get what you're saying. But if you're going to 'face' any of these truths, this one seems the most reverent.
@Dare_not_speak_its_name: What on earth are you talking about? I'm a doctor.
The immune system mediates repair of regenerative tissue and it makes decisions about the fate of the healing process. Example: the cells surrounding a wound either 1) replicate and fill in the space with new cells, or 2) secrete mindboggling amounts of the protein collagen... which quickly sets and forms a scar.
@92BuickLeSabre: yes, I find that the best humor for these family oriented site comments is usually less ____adj____.
@paravorheim: ARGH I didn't have it at first, but then i thought all the non scientists would think it was k for kilo, or x1000...
@sabashe1234: you need a promotion to attain your goal. bump.
@Non-Engineer: You're just being an asshole. I don't care if anyone actually looks at my updates; I just want to update.