Mick Molte

+1,000,000 unfixable rattles 

Can’t believe you didn’t mention what she said about France and her family. That was the hardest I’ve laughed all season!

Is it possible to do less than fuck all? Asking for a friend who finds having to do fuck all is really cutting into his golfing time lately.

Vice has the full story, with all the grizzly details, first hand from other people who were on the call.

When I was a yute my dad had one of those, same color combo and wheels and everything. At the time he was commuting into NYC from Fairfield County via rt 7 to the Merritt/Hutch. If you’re not familiar with that part of the world that probably won’t mean anything to you. But if you are, I’m sure you can imagine what a

Guys, I know Guy the dude is a great guy. Charitable, heart of gold, kind, caring, liberal politically, loves his family, never once accused of exposing himself on a zoom call, and so on. A great Guy the guy for sure. It’s just very hard not to poke at least a little fun at Guy the image whenever an obscenely yellow

I mean, who in the world is the buyer for this flaming yellow hunk of shit? Especially at that crazy price.

Agree entirely in theory, but in practice these Volvo 5 cylinders like to be beat on a bit. The ones that the little old ladies drive which never see above 2500 rpm get all carboned up and have a habit of burning exhaust valves. The ones that regularly get the ol’ Italian tune up treatment tend to live longer,

Yeah, it’s an absolutely terrible idea done to a surprisingly high standard.

While I agree entirely with the sentiment—right down to have taken a crazy Catholic girl named Kate (a Mary Katherine, naturally) to the prom myself—there hasn’t been a K car worth more than $1500 since 1993.

Old news my friend, well not that he wrote it off, but the cost of the weave has been reported upon before. It’s basically one man’s life work to maintain it. From back in the day, before everything turned to shit around here:

Insurance fraud to own the libs.

It’s like Trump and George Dubaya. It takes a special level of suck to make Chris Bangle look not entirely terrible by comparison.

You gotta think like they do, i.e., totally transactionally....

Where is this hero?

Would you settle for a truck with a broken window?

It’s a (slightly) lower friction redesign of their basic overhead cam redblock, which had been around since 1976 and itself was a redesign of their overhead valve redblock, which had been around since the 2nd World War. They’re about as reliable as the sun coming up tomorrow.

If she’s going after students in the guest bedroom there’s a 99% chance ol’ Jer is watching it happen on CCTV.

“Best worst supporting tire.”