You think that’s impressive? Pfft. I don’t jerk off to online porn.
You think that’s impressive? Pfft. I don’t jerk off to online porn.
I don’t know man. I don’t really see it as an old v. young or stanced v. non-stanced thing. (Note that the rest of this doesn’t apply to 30k mile CPO Camrys but absolutely does apply to 120k mile enthusiast cars). With used cars you’re buying the owner as much as the car. Anyone who would put these wheels and tires on…
Um, yeah. I have no idea why the original comment is so far up. That is almost certainly a burnt out filament, not some sort of strange wiring/relay Easter egg. Or if it is something that’s actually happening and repeatable it’s just a consequence of shitty wiring rather than anything intentional.
What about two bottles of wine a day? Does that work too?
The trick is to start in on the other half of the bottle first thing next morning. I’ve used that little truck to push my original hangover off for 20+ years!
My thoughts exactly. One for me, one for the wife....Problem solved!
Umm......that’s really remarkably accurate.
Yep. The truest thing he ever said was the bit about how he could shoot someone in broad daylight on 5th Avenue and not lose any support. God knows it doesn’t happen very often, but once in a while Donny Two Scoops hits the nail right on the head.
3:16 LOLs.
Just out of curiosity....which well regulated militia did this AR-15 toting 19 year old psychopath belong to? Have you heard? Because I haven’t yet heard it mentioned in the news coverage. Surely it’s just a simple oversight that it hasn’t been mentioned.
You are correct sir. Meant to say “Land Cruiser” and somehow it came out “Lexus.” :shrug:
Yeah, I grew up in old money CT, lived in old money NY, and currently live in old money VA. The only constant I’ve seen is lack of ostentatious and a desire not to stick out. I.e., a three year old E class wagon rather than a brand new S class sedan. And besides from that, whatever goes.
Nah. That’s new money.
Not the comment we need, but the comment we deserve.
There needs to be a third voting category: “such a CP that Rob is obviously trolling us today.”
Has Drew or Marchman ever ranked dog breeds? Bichon Frise should come well after getting hit by a bus.
This will cheer you up: