Mick Molte

Agree 100% with this. I’m sure he’s been waiting for his turn to come ever since Weinstein went down. When you know you’re about to go down in flames the classy* move is one last bender, way bigger and better than any of the thousands that came before.

I’m also curious why he crossed Oakland off but left the Angels, Dodgers and Giants on his list. Must be something going on there.

NP after haggling the guy down a bit. Make sure you have the 100 mile AAA, never venture more than 99 miles from home, don’t sink another penny in it besides gas, and you can spend the next few winter beating the absolute snot out of it—while having the most fun of anyone on the road every time it snows.

That 5 cylinder white block family of motors are great sounding motors. Not as reliable above 200k miles as the old red blocks....but still....that sound above 3.5k rpms is something else.

Yep. Word on the street is Mueller offered him the following choice: sing on those higher up, or I’ll put your dipshit son away for 20+ years. Keep in mind that pretty much the only people higher up than Flynn are the VP and Donny Two Scoops.

Here’s a transcription of what he’s saying in that picture:

In the good old Gawker Media days, “floppy as Brett Farve’s flaccid dong” would’ve also been acceptable.

Your opinion is correct though. It’s a great example of design by committee. Lots of different bits and pieces going on all over the place, and nothing at all remotely cohesive about it.

Never forget:

It really depends on location. In city centers, sure. In the middle of nowhere, nah. People talk about the coming of autonomous cars as if there’s going to be one size fits all rules and regulations, but in reality it’s going to be highly location dependent.

On the off chance that Peter King reads this while drinking a Shocktop on the Acela....

A $18,000 e12? Lololololololol. CP.


“Forget it FusilliJerry, it’s Chinatown.”

I’m in cville and I could write you a book length post about that bypass. 40 years worth of dirty politics (local, state, and national), back room deals, backstabbing, double crossing, money spent, money not spent, NIMBYism, old money interests, super sleazy business deals and land purchases, on and on and on.

If it’s possible for a $800 mid engined two seater to be a CP this is it. So, CP.

What about the security guard rubbing one out in his pants leg to the cheerleaders? How in the world did that not make the cut?!?

Attach this:

I’m about half a generation older than Lena Dunham, but grew up in very similar circumstances and went to a very similar set of schools. Like, seriously, if we were the same age we absolutely would’ve known each other at least a bit and partied together here and there.

How does a freaking 84 VW Jetta at $5200 get 60% NP’ed while for a mere $1300 more this Audi is getting 60% CP’ed? 2017 truly is an upside down year.