
This is very much what happened to me. Got together young, now together 12 years and been married for 6. I didn't mean for this to be my only serious relationship but I wasn't going to give it up just for that reason! I knew pretty quickly that he might be "the one" because we had similar life goals (kids, etc.) but

We were together for 6 years before marriage and now have been married for six years. We didn't even live in the same city before getting married and the relationship still did not change. After that long, even though our living arrangement was different after marriage, I knew what to expect from him.

I'm so sorry that happened to you. I want every woman to be able to have an abortion if she wants one (meaning they are easily accessible, affordable, and come with support for women who need it) but I also don't want any woman having an abortion because she is backed into a corner.

That is both adorable and brilliant.

:-) When I was in college the local pizza place sent a few condoms along with every pizza. I thought that was a damn good idea. Maybe we could similarly hand out condom pinatas during freshman orientation?

I basically made my Kinja account because in several of these posts I have wanted to say this - I have always been pro choice, but having a child now makes me even more baffled and horrified by this kind of behavior (or I guess of rabid pro lifers - threatening violence is always horrifying).

Eh, I'm torn. I think sometimes formality is not a bad idea, but I think we should move past gendered salutations (for the reasons other commenters have articulated). Also, I would love it if I never heard someone call me Mrs. Michigander again, since my marital status isn't relevant, especially in professional

Considering that nearly all written communication is now over email, texts, Twitter, Jezebel comments, etc., I'd say that your plan will work out just fine. :-)

She may grow out of the atrocious handwriting. I am a lefty who had awful handwriting and pages full of pencil smudges and black hands when I was a kid. Eventually it worked itself out and I am now legible and smudge-free.

Thank you. :-)

Nice! I would like to be bold enough some day to display a Judge Judy level of contempt. As it stands now, I mostly just judge silently and make comments on the Internet.

SO MUCH THIS. I have to do a lot more than my male boss to be "professional looking" at work. It is time-consuming and expensive.

Maybe they're just really, really concerned about sperm count.

I had this exact thought.

Yes you will, and as a result when your daughter writes Internet comments people will not try to invalidate her argument with something like "I'm not going to entertain that idea with someone who doesn't know how to use apostrophes. " She'll probably find some other reasons to thank you for the nagging too. :-) I

A-men! I applaud them because I hope to reach that level of "I don't give a shit" one day. I am trying to start now! I actually don't normally wear a two piece bathing suit for a lot of reasons, but during a vacation when I was five months pregnant I rocked one every day. The whole beach can stare at my stretch marks,