Michelle Fauxcault

I confused it with #123 or #146. Sue me.

Yeah, I owned it, too, at one point. I'm getting old. I got it confused with either #123 or #146, which is another early Arcade story.

Another word: Mojoworld

One word: Murderworld

Now playing

They’ll never find him. Bigfoot/Sasquash is living happily with family and his husband Steve Summers in Canada.

Leone is an excellent choice, but man does he have a lot of company: De Sica, Visconti, Rossellini, Antonioni, Fellini, Bertolucci, Pasolini. Between Italian realism and the Italian New Wave alone you have a host of ringers. 

The Twitter avatar switch to Weird Al is great. I like the cut of this guy's jib.

Yep. Around the 54:45 mark a chunk of flaming graphite flies into frame in slow motion and is foregrounded for a couple of seconds.

No, no! I was talking to EdKed! I said ‘You fuckin’ die!’ No - I - uh - we were just goofin’ around. No, no, it didn’t have anything to do with anything. He said, ‘Anybody touches my stuff...’ and I said ‘You fuckin’ die’, like that. I was finishing his part for him. Y’know what I mean?

...you fucking die!

But then what will he do if/when the Warriors make it to the Finals and the Raptors don’t going forward? He’s got to keep his spot on the bandwagon clear.

Queerness is not a function of a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity.”

I grew up with queer culture (I have two moms), and I’ve known several drag queens (some of whom are straight men, some of whom are gay men who are “effeminate” when not onstage, some of whom are pretty damned “butch” when they’re not on stage). My simple answer to your questions would be that they do it because they

I think that you misunderstood the intent of both the reviews and my response to someone else. He/she said that it would great if the movie drummed up enough interest for Deadwood to return as a series, and I was agreeing with him by way of passing on something relevant that I’ve read in a couple of reviews.

I’ve read a couple of advanced reviews that both say that while the film is wonderful, its one drawback is that it still ends up leaving you wanting more, rather than giving a sense of complete closure. So maybe Milch is trying to drum up interest for two films like he said he wanted to do way back when.

The BB crew revisited Borat a few seasons later with Herbie, the celebrity impersonator who cons Bob and Jimmie to get comped meals in “A Few ‘Gurt Men.” Herbie was voiced by David Harmon, who is also the voice of Mr. Frond (and played Michael Bolton in Office Space) and who is a go-to voice for several minor

He looks like a low-rent Father Guido Sarducci in that pic.

I’m just going to assume that Caitlin won the series of coin flips or games of rock-paper-scissors to be the one who got to use "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" from The Americans, and everyone else was resigned to each offer a second place choice.

Keeping up with the Simpsons riff: