Michelle Fauxcault

Pai strikes me as being one of those guys we hear about who thought Michael Douglas’s “Greed is good” speech in Wall Street was meant to be taken up as an ethos. It doesn’t surprise me that the intended humor of Ron’s extreme libertarianism is lost on him.

I read it as literally regarding only the innuendo and reporting regarding Rush, himself

Perhaps now is the time to revisit the Golden Globes’ archaic dual-genre system.

According to the L.A. Times article, this isn’t the only case where both of them preyed on young women together, and there are blurbs circulating from a book Simmons wrote in which he brags about how Ratner would “find” models for Simmons in eerily similar terms. This is just the beginning:

And Sarah Huckabee Sanders is just Mike trying out new material in drag. He’s been disappointed that the White House press corps is such a tough crowd (“It worked for Milton Berle and Flip Wilson!”).

For a cultural analysis essay I was already having my students read bell hooks’s “Straightening Our Hair” and watch some clips from Chris Rock’s documentary Good Hair. Now I’ll have them read Nyong’s eloquent post, too.

Veep actually gave us two women presidents more qualified than Trump: Selena and Laura Montez; the latter’s victory would really stick in that fuckwit’s craw.

He looks like he just took a massive shit, himself.

I’m a sucker for their cinnamon rolls, though.

The lack of “shared from” links cuts both ways, I think; sometimes AVC beats iO9 to the punch and vice versa. By “superfluous” I just meant that AVC theoretically covers most of what is in iO9's purview (sans a Toy Aisle feature or two), but I understand that they each have their own voice, point-of-view, etc.

It really is disheartening. I still sometimes get something like a “phantom limb” feeling—even after I’ve just visited it I feel like the actual AVC is still out there somewhere, if only I find it.

I’d be marginally interested in reading an oral history of the AV Club move to Kinja someday, if for no other reason than to see if my hunch that the AVC and iO9 just don’t play well together is right, what with the former making the latter more or less superfluous in the GMG family. Until then I guess I’ll just keep

Did you also pull some shenanigans and put me in the greys for this article somehow?


It wouldn’t be a Katie Rife article without at least one oft-repeated factual error.

It was also apparently a pretty shoddy piece of work—something bought off the rack as a single piece in a costume shop—as opposed to the get-up he wears on the show. So not only was he going as more or less himself, he looked like a dime store version of himself that any cosplayer with the right IKEA rugs could top.