“these messy and unfortunate situations” if that’s how you see the “situation” then that is definitely part of the problem. JESUS
I’m pretty sure this was Charlie Sheen on the set of Lucas, it was loosely “revealed” on a gossip site a while ago.
Somewhere a childless (by choice or not, ain’t nobodies busniess) Jen Aniston sleeps till 9:30, gets a massage and is enjoying a HOT coffee in her 2 million thread bathrobe from the GOOP site when she glances down to her iPhone 7 to a text from her BFF Courtney filing her in on the details. Jen calls to the help to…
Her stand-up on Netflix is pretty awesome
It was an episode of a “Forensics Files” type show on the BBC on saw on YouTube. I think it was Crimes that Rocked Britain??? He video taped a suicidal goodbye and took a bunch of pills and jumped in the bath. I sort of blocked out the rest MEH def not my thing.
I live in Canada, every time I see her name I get a rage stroke. She’s since move back to the Montreal area, a letter was sent out to the kids who will be attending school with her kids.
I think I’m crying at the thought of this poor woman who has anxiety EVERY DAY about how her son is coping, and how for one day she was happy.
At work hiding my ugly cry
A million times this. Gun laws, rape sentences, education, child abuse laws, access to health care; help and protect women and children. Making sure to tell all trans people where they can urinate though...that’s fucking important.
Every time I read bald daddies I get all tingly
Chelsea Handler is waging quite the war against him and I have yet to see any retaliation. Meh...maybe I missed it though I tend to skip over anything with his name attached trying to keep my blood pressure down.
We can all make a difference one cookie at a time LOL This is the best t hing I’ve read so far today.
Who’d make a better troll droll, her or Trump?
And there is: a book advance bigger than God, as soon as I can find a wizard to void this non-disclosure agreement.
The way you phrase it I can actually hear the conversation in my head. But you forgot I bet she’ll eventually try to get “our money”., oh or get called a golddigger trying to blackmail him into a relationship. I think I’m gonna puke.
That video is adorable FYI I need those sunglasses like yesterday.
I must also have bangs, ALWAYS since my (noble or so my father says) forehead swallows my hairline